(RWBY V6) Argus Limited

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In a snowy area, a train horn can be heard blaring in the distance. The train zooms by a mountainside as it is being chased by winged Grimm called Manticores. One Manticore flies in but is shot down by something off screen. The Manticore rolls along the train before being sliced by none other than Ruby Rose. The Grimm dissolves and Ruby poses with Crescent Rose behind her back.

Ruby: Got him, now who's next?

A Manticore tries to attack Ruby from behind, but it is stopped by large shards of ice that cause to crash into the mountain. Weiss Schnee zooms by Ruby on her Glyphs.

Weiss: Thank me later!

Weiss proceeds forward and takes down two more Manticores. Suddenly, four more show up to attack, but Silver and Watari show up to take them down with ease using their Ki Blasts.

Weiss: What took you guys so long?

Silver: Oh, the usual stuff. Taking down Grimm and making a cool entrance.

Ruby chuckles.

Meanwhile, Blake Belladonna uses Gambol Shroud's kusarigama form to swing into the air.

Blake: Incoming!

She wraps Gambol Shroud's ribbon around the neck of a Manticore, allowing Yang Xiao Long and Onyx Taurus to punch through it, causing it to dissipate. Yang, Onyx and Blake land back on the train, standing next to each other.

Yang: Good to see you guys are not rusty.

Onyx: Thanks.

The three proceed forward as Team RWBY and Team SDOW&T continue taking down Manticores. The camera pans a few train cars down to see Jaune Arc, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie, and Lie Ren, as well as Oscar Pine all climb to the top of the train to join the battle. Oscar runs off towards the front of the train.

Nora: Why is it always something?

Pyrrha: Your guess is as good as mine.

Ruby: Just keep it towards the back!

The members of Team JNPR join the battle, with Jaune using Crocea Mors' shield to block a Manticore's fireball. Nora uses Magnhild's grenade launcher form to shoot a Manticore at point blank range. Ren fires StormFlower and Pyrrha fires Milo. Turrets on the train help assist the young Huntsmen and Huntresses with taking Grimm out of the sky.

Nora: Ren!

Nora runs forward and Ren grabs her hand to swing her over to the next train car. She fires off a couple grenades before transforming her weapon into its hammer form and smashing a Manticore in the head.

Oscar: TUNNEL!!

Everyone stops and notices the tunnel ahead.

Damian: Go!

Pyrrha: What about you?!

Damian: I need to hold off an old friend! Now go!

Everyone proceeds to get below into the train cars. Weiss almost falls off the train when a Manticore's fireball barely misses her. Ruby catches her by her wrist.

Ruby: Thank me later!

Ruby then uses her Semblance and the two of them manage to get below into the train before the tunnel approaches.

White Fang Goon 01: I can't believe he turned his back on us. He just--

A door is heard opening. Visuals show the door opened in the seemingly empty White Fang Throne Room in Mistral. Voices can be heard as the camera continues to pan down the hall.

Lethal Protector: RWBY × Yang × OC (Editing and waiting for V10)Where stories live. Discover now