Part 1: CATFA

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So here we are... I am not sure how many people will end up reading this, but to those who do: I love you! and I really, really hope you like this book.

Disclaimer: I own none of the original Marvel characters. All rights and reserves go to Marvel Studios and all of the brilliant directors, producers, and other cast and crew members. They are truly amazing. I do own Adelaide Grace as well as any other characters who are not seen in the movies. All actors who portray a character in the movie are portraying the same character in this book. Let's all agree that Dominic Cooper is playing Howard, and Don Cheadle is playing Rhodey. No ifs, ands, or buts. Thanks!

I truly do hope you like this, but please bear in mind that this is my first story on here. Forgive me if it turns out horribly. Updates will be slow just because I am publishing this sooner than I had hoped, and the manuscript behind the computer is less than halfway completed. Sorry. Please do vote, comment, and follow me if you so desire. Without further ado, I give you...

Adelaide Elizabeth otherwise known as Viper.

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