One-Shot: The Consultant

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I really wish this only showed the end credit scene, but it's fine. With that, I give you Liz's POV of the one-shot bits. I threw in Tony and Ross's lines for good measure.

"Coulson, you and Sitwell figure out that my husband is the one who needs to go to Ross?"

"Ma'am, we had just come to that conclusion."


Tony's talk with Ross

"Mmm. Smell of stale beer and defeat. You know I hate to say, 'I told you so,' General. But that super soldier program was put on ice for a reason. I've always felt that hardware was much more reliable."



"You always wear such nice suits."

"Touché. I hear you have an unusual problem."

"You should talk."

"You should listen."

Back to me

"Coulson, update."

"Mission accomplished."

"Good. Focus back on the 0-8-4."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Tony, you bought a bar?"

"Yes, ma'am. I did."


"It's getting demolished Thursday anyway."

"Okay. Let's go to bed, babe."

It is 11:00 pm, and we sleep for about four hours when I hear ringing in my ear. I check my phone.

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