Chapter 1: February 4, 2008

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Kunar Province, Afghanistan (Tony's POV)

Back in Black by AC/DC is playing on the stereo in this Humvee. We are on the way back to base. I have my classic whiskey on the rocks in hand.

"I feel like you're driving me to a court-martial. This is crazy. What did I do?" I ask the soldiers riding with me. "I feel like you're going to pull over and snuff me. What you're not allowed to talk? Hey, Forrest!"

"We can talk, sir," he replies.

"Oh, I see. So it's personal?"

"No, you intimidate them," the driver says.

"My stars, you're a woman. I honestly—I couldn't have called that. I mean, I'd apologize, but isn't that what we're going for here? I thought of you as a soldier first."

"I'm an airman," she replies.

"You have, actually, excellent bone structure, there. I'm kind of having a hard time not looking at you now. Is that weird? Come on, it's okay, laugh. Hey!"

"Sir, I have a question to ask," the other guy says.

"Yes, please."

"Is it true you went 12 for 12 with last years' Maxim cover models?"

"Heavens, no. My wife would kill me. Hell, our assistant and our bodyguard would probably help her even. Anything else? You're kidding me with the hand up, right?" I say as Jimmy raises his hand.

"Is it cool if I take a picture with you?" he asks.

"Yes. It's very cool," I say, and he scoots over as he hands the camera to Pratt.

"All right," Pratt says getting the camera ready.

"I don't want to see this on your My Space page. Please, no gang signs. No, throw it up. I'm kidding. Yeah, peace. I love peace. I'd be out of a job with peace."

"Come on. Hurry up. Just click it," Jimmy says to Pratt. "Don't change any settings. Just click it."

Suddenly a bomb goes off. Everyone begins to scream.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Contact left!" the woman yells.

"What have we got?" Pratt shouts. "Jimmy, stay with Stark!"

"Stay down!" Jimmy yells to me.


"Son of a bitch!"

"Wait, wait, wait!" I yell as he is getting out of the vehicle. "Give me a gun!"

"Stay here!" Jimmy shouts before running to his death.

My ears start to ring, and my vision becomes blurry. Another bomb goes off, and gunfire is coming from everywhere. I get out of the Humvee just as another bomb goes off. I groan as I try to take cover. I end up behind a rock as more bombs keep going off. I pull out my high-tech phone to try to contact Elizabeth as an RPG lands right next to me with the words Stark Industries on the side facing me.

"Whoa!" I yell trying to get away just as it goes off. I slowly open my eyes blinking away dirt and gasping for air. I feel a slight pain in my chest and look down to see blood seeping through my shirts. My vision fades to black until, all of a sudden, a potato sack is ripped off my face; and I open my eyes to bright lights. I blink trying to adjust my vision. I hear someone reading something in a language that I'm sure my wife could understand. I try to get my eyes to focus, and I can clearly see a video camera set up.

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