Chapter 2: 1989

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Triskelion Construction Site

Howard, Peggy, Mitchell Carson, and I are in a council meeting room. Hank suddenly walks in. I just got back from China last night, and I'm supposed to leave for Russia soon so I don't really know what's going on right now.

"Stark!" Hank shouts as he comes in.

"He doesn't seem happy."

"No shit, Howie," I murmur.

"Hello, Hank," Mitchell greets him.

"You're supposed to be in Moscow," Howard says.

"I took a detour—" he places a particle on the table. "Through your defense lab." He looks at me, and I stand up in pure shock.

"Howard? You wouldn't!" I yell.

"Tell me that isn't what I think it is," Peggy says picking it up.

"That depends if you think it's a poor attempt to replicate mine and Ady's work. Even for this group, that takes nerve. Especially considering that everything is supposed to be run through Director Barnes," Hank says accusatorially.

"Did you all forget I'm the director? Even though I do not appear so anymore, I am the oldest of us as well."

"You were instructed to go to Russia. May I remind you, Dr. Pym, that you're a soldier—"

I turn to Mitchell with pure fury in my eyes. "Who gave that instruction? Not you, Mitchell. And you do realize that I'm going with him, yes?"

"And I'm a scientist," Hank says.

"Then act like one," is Howard's rebuttal. "The Stym Particle is the most revolutionary science ever developed. Help us put it to good use."

"I let you turn me into your errand boy—"

"What?!" I exclaim.

"And now you try to steal our research?"

"If only you'd protected Janet with such ferocity, Dr. Pym," Mitchell says.


"That's it!" I yell. "It wasn't his fault, dammit!"

Peggy holds Hank back after he had punched Carson, and I step away.

"Easy, Hank," she says.

"You mention my wife again, and I'll show you ferocity."

"And I won't stop him."

"Don't look at me. You said it," Howard says as Carson looks at him.

"I formally tender my resignation."

"We don't accept it. Formally," is Howard's reply. "Hank, we need you. The Stym Particle is a miracle. Please. Don't let your past determine the future."

"Ady—" Hank starts.

"Yeah, Hank. I'll catch up with you. I can handle Russia, and I accept your resignation. You three, I'll be back. Know this, as long as I am alive nobody will ever get our formula." I walk away to catch Hank. "Pym! Hey, if you ever need me—"

"I'll be in touch."

"Of course, here's the number I use now, and just remember it's Elizabeth..."

"Thanks, Adelaide. I'll talk to you soon, Elizabeth." He winks and walks away before I walk back into the meeting room.

"We shouldn't let him leave the building," Mitchell is muttering.

"You already lied to him—And ME—Now you want to go to war with us?"

"Yes. Our scientists haven't come close to replicating his work."

"Our work! And, of course, they haven't. But he just kicked your ass, full-size. You don't want to find out what it's like when you can't see us coming."

"I've known both of you for a long time. Neither of you are security risks. Unless we make you to be," Howard says before continuing. "Lady, I'm sorry. We never should have tried to recreate the particle."

"You're right. Adelaide Barnes is leaving. Mitchell, you're done here. The next time I see any of you, it'll be in a casket. I'm going to Moscow, and Howie, you know what to do."

"Yes, ma'am," they all respond.

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