Chapter 10: Final Battle

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I'm awakened by someone lightly tapping me. I roll over trying to get away from whatever is hitting me.

"Just wake up! Come on! They need us."

"Gamora? How—I thought—"

"I was, but they did something right—I guess. Here we both are. One hundred percent alive. Now, we just have to get back to earth."

"I think I've got that covered. You'll need a space suit though because I know I can survive without one, but you can't."

"Good thing Quill gave me one, huh?"

"Excellent. Let's go!"

I fly us through space toward earth. I see Carol just ahead of us. We enter the atmosphere slightly away from the fight.

"Find your boy. I've got to get to Thanos!"

"Yes, ma'am. And thanks—Adelaide."

"Of course. Hey, Thanos!" I yell flying above all of my teammates. Everyone looks at me in utter confusion. "I'm back you son of a bitch!"

We fight, and I get the stones onto my hand without him realizing.

"I am inevitable," Thanos says and snaps, but nothing happens. I show him my right hand. I didn't feel anything when the stones got into place.

"And I am—Viper." I snap and Thanos and his army disappear. My family surrounds me in a giant hug.

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