Chapter 2: Adventures with Thor

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I fly myself to New Mexico, and Coulson is there to meet me.

"Hey, boss. You headed to base?"

"Yes, Phil. Please, tell me this will be wrapped up soon?"

"Of course, ma'am."

"Donald, is it?" I ask the blonde-haired "man."

"Yes, it is."

"I see. Barton?"


"Keep doing what you're doing. You're my favorite. Sitwell?"

"Yes, ma'am?"

"Good thinking on your feet."


"Now, do you want to tell me who you really are? Or should I tell you? Fine, don't say anything. Just remember, I mean you no harm. I know it's been a rough couple of days. Let it sink in, yeah? Coulson, no more pushing."

"Ye—Yes, ma'am."

"Dr. Selvig is taking him. You will let him."

"Of course, ma'am."

"Don't worry. He'll be back."

"Follow them," Coulson said.

A couple days later, we're staring at a tall suit.

"Is that one of Stark's?" Sitwell asks.

"I don't know. The guy never tells me anything. Director?"

"It isn't ours."

"Hello. You are using unregistered weapons technology. Identify yourself— Here we go. Incoming!"

It starts bursting our cars into flames. It then heads to the nearby town. The Asgardians fight it, completely leveling the town, but they do stop it and save the townspeople. The hammer suddenly takes off from base at one point, but I know what is going on. Thor and Coulson have a lovely chat, and Thor becomes our ally.

"Coulson, stop trying to debrief every single superhero."

"Yes, ma'am."

A couple weeks later I'm in the basement waiting.

"Dr. Selvig."

"So, you're the man behind all this?"

"Woman, actually."

"Oh, apologies. It's dark down here. You know, it's quite a labyrinth. I was thinking they're taking me down here to kill me." He starts laughing, but I just stay quietly glaring at him.

"I've been hearing about the New Mexico situation. I was even there for part of it. Your work is impressive, and I am not easily impressed."

"I have a lot to work with. The Foster Theory, a gateway to another dimension. It's unprecedented...Isn't it?"

"Legend tells us one thing, history, another. But every now and then, we find something that belongs to both."

I open the case we have the tesseract in. Selvig stares at it.

"What is it?"

"Power, Doctor. If we can figure out how to tap it, maybe unlimited power."

"Well, I guess that's wortha look."

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