Chapter 12: The Rescue

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November 16, 1943

"Your cuffs have finally released, Fraulein. That must be nice. Ease the pain, does it?" a heavily German accented voice says.

"Sure. It relieves so much." What did those cuffs even do? I wonder. Why were they on me in the first place? Where am I? All these thoughts bounce around in my head before I hear someone next to me muttering something quietly.

"Barnes, James Buchanan. Sergeant. 32246804. Barnes, Dr. Adelaide Grace. Wife. 32557039."

I suddenly remember everything. Plus, I think that triggered my powers to kick in, and they swiftly remove the clutter from my brain. I don't want to interrupt him, so I pretend to sleep. I can't remember exactly what happened while we were here even with my powers going into the recesses of my brain. I hear footsteps from the right, and I can hear my brother's thoughts as he gets closer. I probably look dead if I'm being honest. He sees Bucky (as he is closer to where Steve comes in) and runs over to him.


"Who? Is that—?"

"It's me, Buck."

"Steve? Steve! Where's?" he turns and sees me tied down to the table next to the one he had just been on. "Adelaide!" he screams.

I try to move, to open my eyes, to say something, but all that comes out is a raspy groan.

"Adelaide? Doll?" he tries again.

"B-Bucky?" I barely manage to croak out while Steve is undoing my restraints.

"I thought you two were dead," Steve says to Bucky as they help me walk.

"I thought you were smaller," Bucky returns.

I chuckle. We walk a bit more before he continues his train of thought.

"What happened to you?"

"I joined the Army." As he says that, bombs start going off around us.

"Did it hurt?"

"Little bit."

"Is it permanent?"

"Ask Ady. She made it."


I shrug as I am still barely able to form words and lead us up to the catwalk. We reach it only to see Schmidt across from us. I groan.

"Dr. Rogers, I thought you dead. Whatever. Captain America. How exciting! I'm a big fan of your films. So, they managed after all. Not quite an improvement, but impressive."

"You've got no idea," Steve says, punching Schmidt in the face.

"Don't I? You see I was his greatest success."

To the shock of everyone except me, he peels his skin from the skull tossing it into the flames to revealing that it's red.

"You guys don't have that, right?" Bucky asks.

"No, dear. That was one of the side effects I helped get rid of." Yay! I guess I can talk again.

"You're both liars." Schmidt says to me and Steve. "You pretend to be simple soldiers; but, in reality, you're just afraid to admit that we've left humanity behind. Unlike you, I embrace it proudly. Without the masquerade and without fear."

"Then how come you're running?" we both shout. Instead of replying, he just gets in the elevator with Dr. Zola. "Up there!" I yell as I point to the staircase. We reach the gantry. "One at a time, boys. Bucky, go!"

Bucky gets across safely, and I yell for Steve to go next. As he gets to the other side, the rivet falls leaving me stranded.

"There's got to be a rope or something—" Steve shouts to me.

"Just get out!"

"No, Doll. Not without you!"

"Do you trust me?"

"Yes, but—"

"Then get out of here, and I'll figure out a way. Go!"

They reluctantly do as I say and leave. Using my telekinesis, I view the layout of the building and try to figure a way out since my powers are still fairly limited.

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