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Sorry this isn't an update, but I will have one for y'all in a few minutes.  So I was reading this book, right? And it was a great book. One of the best I've read in a little bit. Then the ending was a complete 180 from the rest of it. Like it was a dad loving his daughter for the first 18? chapters, then all of a sudden last two chapters he won't even wish her a happy birthday and spends all his time on her two best friends?????? Like, I'm sorry, what?????????????? like the title is even You and Me, Kid and in the Epilogue she doesn't even have contact with him anymore. I'm so....... Just URGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH irritates me to no end. Anyway, I also wanted to talk. Some of this is, quite obviously, written in different languages, and I know a lot of you are probably going to be like "Why is this whole chapter written in xyz?" Well, I'll tell you because it is important for the character arc, and that's just the way it is. I will comment the translations every single time, and if it is wrong seriously please let me know. I did my very best to like learn the basics of every single language I use, and let's just say it was a real struggle  bus, but also a ton of fun. If you notice any mistakes in general whether it's grammar or a line got messed up or anything of that nature don't hesitate to let me know. It really won't bother me because let's be honest, I do that on every single book I've read bc im literally the definition of a grammar Nazi and even just writing this paragraph is rough bc I know there are so many mistakes in here, but it's fine lolz.

I love you guys so much! Stay safe out there and know that Jesus loves you!!

Leo :)

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