Chapter 7: The Guys

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"Morning, everyone! I made breakfast!"

"What the—"

"How did you—"

"Shit that's—"

"Liz, hey!"

"Hey, Scotty! You must be Dave, Kurt, and Luis."

"Uh, yes, ma'am. We are—that—yeah."


"Lady, you're here."

"Of course. Hi, baby!"

"Hey, Auntie Ren!"

"Eat up. We've got shit to be done."

"Yes, ma'am!"

"All right, just so we're clear, everyone here knows their role, right? Dave?"

"Wheels on the ground."


"Eyes in the sky."


"Oh, man, you know it. You know what? I get to wear a uniform. That's what's up."


"I'm sorry. I'm good. I'm good. I'm just excited. Plus, your girlfriend's really hot. So, you know, that makes me nervous, too. And you are very beautiful, ma'am. As are you, Dr. Stone."

"Oh my lord."

"She's not my—"

"She had better not be," I say.

"Hey, you know what? I was thinking of a tactic, like when I go undercover. Like a whistling. You know what I'm saying? To like, blend in."

"No. Don't whistle. No whistling. It's not The Andy Griffith Show. No whistling."

"And I'm the backup if you guys screw everything up."

"Thanks—for that—Liz."


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