Chapter 9: Explanations, Recruits, and Attacks

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"Who were they?" Steve inquires.

"My team. We were Hydra's most elite death squad. More kills than anyone in Hydra history except for me. So, yes, even more than Buck. And that was even before the serum," I reply.

"They all turn out like Buck?" Sam asks.

"Did you not hear her, Sam? Much worse," Bucky responds.

"The doctor, Ady. Could he control them?"

"No, but he doesn't want more. He wants them dead. Stevie, please. I can't let him —"

"Go. Protect them. Get back as quick as you can."

"I give the orders, baby bro." He just hugs me. "Thanks —" I leave and get my team to safety in the compound, but I transfer them to different tanks for easier healing when I get back. I teleport to the buggy that these three idiots stole. Sam pulls me to the side.

"Hey, can you call that shrinking dude?"

"Sure." I walk into the building to the 'office' we've got set up. "Scotty, it's me."

"Hey, Liz! What's up?"

"I need you and Hope to pack your suits and be ready for someone to pick you two up in a little bit. Okay?"

"Sure, Liz. I owe you —Hope says she'll do anything for you."

"Great! See you both soon!"

"Bye, Liz!"

"It's a go, Sam. I'll call Clint."

"Gran, hey!"

"Hi, hon. Pack your stuff, pick up Wan and Piet, and I sent you an address. You're picking up a couple. Tell them Dr. Stone, knock them out, and bring them with you."

"Okay. You got it, Liz!"

"That sounds so much better coming out of your mouth."

"Oh, good."

We get in the car and make a twenty-minute drive to meet up with Sharon. Steve gets out to talk to her and gets all our stuff back. We drive to the Berlin airport the next morning. We pull up next to a white van once we arrive. Clint and Wanda get out.

"Cap, Ady."

"You know I wouldn't have called if we had any other choice."

"Hey, Liz, you're doing me a favor. Besides, I owe a debt," he says referring to Wanda and I saving his life.

"No Piet?" I ask Wanda.

"He went with Tony. Sorry, Ads."

"Not your fault, Wan. Clint, this is my husband Bucky, and you've met Sam."

"Laura's gramps?"

"Yes, he is."

"Wanda, thanks for having our backs," Steve says.

"It was time to get off my ass."

"And how about our other recruit?" he asks.

"You mean recruits, baby bro."

"Raring to go. Hope put a little coffee in him."


"Liz! What time zone is this?"

"Come on. Come on," Clint says to him.

"Hi, Auntie Ren," Hope hugs me while Scott fangirls over everybody else. "So, this is Bucky?"

"Right. Uh, Bucky—this is my goddaughter Hope. Hope—this is your Uncle Bucky."

"Pleasure to meet you, darling."

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