Chapter 3: December 16, 1991

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(Tony's POV)

I'm asleep on the couch in our living room as Mom sings while playing the piano. I hear Dad walk in, and I feel the blanket being lifted off me.

"Wake up, dear, and say goodbye to your father," Mom says to me.

I slowly get up off the couch.

"Who's the homeless person on the couch?" Dad asks Mom.

I chuckle. "This is why I love coming home for Christmas—right before you leave town," I say to my dad.

"Be nice, dear, he's been studying abroad," Mom says.

"Really? Which broad? What's her name?"

"Candice," I say jokingly as he takes my Santa hat.

"Yeah, well. You'll get to see your fiancée soon. Elizabeth should get in around four."

"Thanks, Dad."

"Do us a favor? Try not to burn the house down before Monday," he says.

"Okay, so it's Monday. That is good to know. Liz and I will plan our toga party accordingly," I say. "Where are you going?" I ask Mom.

"Your father's flying us to the Bahamas for a little getaway."

"We might have to make a quick stop," Dad says.

"At the Pentagon. Right? Don't worry, you're gonna love the holiday menu at the commissary."

"You know, they say sarcasm is a metric for potential. If that's true, you'll be a great man someday. I'll get the bags," he says and walks off.

"He does miss you when you're not here. And frankly, you're going to miss us," Mom says and walks over to me. "Say something. If you don't, you'll regret it," she finishes as Dad walks back in.

"I love you, Dad. And I know you've done the best you could." Mom kisses me on the cheek, and they leave. I turn on the TV until Edwin tells me it's time to get Liz; but, before we can leave, she calls.

"Babe? Is everything okay?"

"Tones? Hey, my flight got delayed. Sweetie, I'm so sorry, but I won't get there until nine tomorrow morning. I'm so sorry, babe."

"It's okay, Liz. It's not like it's your fault, right? Well, I'll see you tomorrow, darling."

"Okay. I love you, dear! Bye!"

"I love you too, baby. Goodbye! Ana?"

"Yes, sir?"

"Ana, please—"

"Sorry, Tony, what can I do for you?"

"Just make sure I'm up in time to get her, please."

"Sure thing. Supper is in the kitchen if you're hungry."


I eat dinner and go to bed. Around two in the morning, I hear a door open. I try to go back to sleep, but I hear someone sobbing so I get up to check it out. I come downstairs to see Liz and a sobbing Ana. Liz looks a bit shaken, but there is no sign of tears.

"Anthony," Liz chokes out before wrapping me in a hug. "I'm so sorry, Tony. I am so, so sorry, baby. There was an accident as they were on their way to the airport. They didn't make it." At her last word, I crumble. I feel her holding me on the couch before I fall asleep.

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