Chapter 9: Family Visitations

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"Hi," I whisper as I wrap him in a hug from behind.

"Hey, Doll. How did he take it?"

"He'd really like to meet you sometime. He knows it wasn't you, and he also know that I was there. No matter what I try to do for myself, HYDRA is still there. Just barely, but I mean—"

"Hey. It's okay, Doll. They don't have control."

"I know. Fortunately, they'll never get control of you again."

"How much—"

"Still about two weeks, Buck. Do you want—"

"Leave the good, and—I don't know—maybe some of the nightmares?"

"I can work with that. Five months until we let it go. Yeah?"

"One year."

"Ten months."

"Sold. Come here, Doll."

"Are you ready?"

"For you? Always. I can meet him at the end of our treatment. Will that work?"

"Of course, Bucket. All in your timing, handsome."

"I love you so much, Ady."

"I love you, too, Buck."

We grab our stuff, get to the plane, and take off for London. The twins now live in a nursing home together not far from the airport. They've been here ever since their wives passed. Bucky is nervous to meet his sons, and I think it's really sweet. I've shown him pictures from various parts of their lives. Kids, wives, wars, jobs, and all the memories I was a part of. We arrive and our granddaughter Mary is here to pick us up.

"Hi, Mary!"

"Hi, Gran! You must be Grampa Bucky."

"Yeah, it's an honor to meet you, Mary."

"Oh, please," she gives him a hug as she continues, "Gran has talked about you for ages. Believe me, the honor is all mine. You want to drive, Gran?"

"Of course. Keys, love. Bucket, sit in the back with Mary. Mary, love, tell him about yourself. He's a really good listener."

"Sure." She launches into story after story, and we arrive at the house as she finishes telling him all about her life. Mary jumps out of the car to grab our bags. I knock on the door before I'm greeted by my son's ex-fiancée and Mary's husband Carter. I grimace slightly.

"Elise, always a pleasure. Carter, where's Jacques?"

"Mummy Ady!" I pick up my great-grandson as he toddles over to me.

"Jacques, sweetie! Hello, my love. This is Daddy Bucky. You remember I told you about him?"

"Of course, Mummy Ady. Buck-Buck!"

I see Bucky smile faintly as our great-grandson reaches out for him. I carefully transfer Jacques from my arms to Bucky's. He looks a bit scared, but Jacques just giggles and nuzzles his face in Bucky's shoulder. I smile before turning to Elise. She looks up at me with fear in her eyes.

"Elise, honey. I want to apologize. I never wanted to show hostility toward you. I would say that I'm sorry for my son, but I can't because I'm so glad you're in my life. Without you, I wouldn't have gotten Mary or Denise, or Carter, Jacques, Daniel, Dahlia, and Dee-Dee. Although, I still can't believe Denise married Peggy's grandson. Pretty funny, huh?"

"Oh, Mom, I'm so glad. Junior always made it seem like—"

"Oh, sweetheart. No—never. He was just a bit of an idiot, and he got several earfuls from me about his actions. I truly am sorry for the pain he put you through. In many ways." I wince at the thought.

"Thanks. It wasn't your fault, Mom."

"It just makes me wonder where I went wrong—" I trail off as I realize that Elise and I are alone in the kitchen. I pull her into my arms, and we cry as we hug on the floor. We stay like that for a long time before we separate. The two of us get up and start preparations for dinner. Mary comes in to help, but I kick her out and only let her set the table. I have Carter fix the drinks, and I notice that he doesn't get champagne for Mary. I choose to store away that knowledge. I see Bucky playing Monopoly with Jacques and smile to myself. Elise and I finish cooking, and we plate up the food. We had made roast, potatoes, and carrots; gravy; mashed potatoes; corn; bread; and we had cottage cheese, honey, and butter. Everyone else gives us multitudinous compliments. We all join the Monopoly game after dinner. Jacques takes after me and makes everyone go bankrupt early on; however, Bucky and I are still in because we know his tricks. Mostly because they're the same tricks we used several decades ago. The game ends around ten o'clock. I won, but only because Jacques fell asleep. Bucky never could quite beat me even all those years ago. We all go to bed shortly after we finish.

Bucky and I go to the room I stay in when I visit. We begin our nightly routine of barrier breaking, and it goes faster tonight since his mind is fairly open after spending time with family.

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