Chapter 7: No False Hope

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Clint and I are finishing in Japan within the next 48 hours. We go to Hiroshima and kill everyone in the warehouses ruthlessly, knowing they're all killers themselves. While we're doing this, Bruce and Rocket are getting Thor and Loki. We finally get to our last stop: Tokyo.

"それは彼らです!彼らはアキヒカを追いかけています!" (It's them! They're after Akihika!)

男たちは叫びますが、私たちの任務を完了するのを思いとどまらせることはできません。 (The men shout, but they can do nothing to deter us from completing our mission)

"なぜあなたは両方ともこれをしているのですか?私たちはあなたに何もしませんでした!" (Why are you both doing this? We never did anything to you!)

"あなたは生き残った—" (You survived—)

"地球の半分はそうではありませんでした" (Half the planet didn't)

"彼らはサノスを手に入れました。あなたは私たちを手に入れます—" (They got Thanos. You get us—)

"あなたは人々を傷つけることを終えました" (You're done hurting people)

"私たちは人々を傷つけますか?おかしいです!待つ!助けてください!何でもあげる!何がしたいですか。" (WE hurt people? You're crazy! Wait! Help me! I'll give you anything! What do you want?)

"What we want—you can't give us."

Ronin takes off his hood and mask as we sense Natasha behind us.

"You shouldn't be here," he says.

"Neither should you. Wait—Liza? How—When—Why—"

"That wasn't me that's been with all of you this whole time. It was me sometimes, but—I couldn't let him do it alone, and Summer wanted in on the action."

"We've got a job to do," Clint states.

"Is that what you're calling this? Killing all these people isn't gonna bring your family back."

"Families, Nat, or did you think I don't know yet?"

"How did you—Tony?"

"No, he never told me face-to-face. Almost five years ago. Mexican cartel bombing—"

"Liz, I'm so—"

"Save the bullshit. If you were sorry, you would've made sure Tony actually told me."

"We found something. A chance, maybe."


"Don't what?"

"Don't give me hope."

"I'm sorry I couldn't give it to you sooner."

I walk away as Clint and Nat hug.

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