Chapter 5: Mission Explanation

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I'm back in the security room with Hank, Hope, and Scott a few days later.

"This isn't the first time these guys have tried to get their hands on game-changing weaponry."

"That's Mitchell Carson, Ex-Head of Defense at SHIELD. Presently in the business of toppling governments. He always wanted our tech."

"And now, unless we break in and steal the Yellowjacket and destroy all the data, Darren Cross is gonna unleash chaos upon the world."

"I think our first move should be calling the Avengers."

"Bullshit. Besides, I am one, but this isn't a threat they even need to know about. We need you, Scott. A lot is on the line here. This could change the texture of reality. You need to lead the ants, and we believe in you."

"I should do this!"

"Hope, you're not doing it. Go back to work and stay close to Cross!"

She leaves.

"I'm not your guy. She's right."

"Hank can't do it anymore,Scott; we can't lose Hope; and I'm not allowed to have a fifth secret identityright now. Now, good luck!"

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