Chapter 4: Return

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Three Months Later (May 2)

My phone rings on the bedside table.




"Yes, baby. It's me."

"Oh my god. When will you be?"

"Eight hours. Get some sleep, hon."

"You know I can't sleep without you. I'll see you and Rhodes back soon. I love you."

"I love you too, Sweetheart. Bye."

I rush to Sarah's room. She is already sitting up.

"He's coming home, isn't he?"

"Yes, baby. He is. Come here."

We cry tears of relief as we hold each other. I still can't sleep so I go down to the lab and finally finish the project I've been working on. Once I am done, it is finally time to go to the airport. As the lift comes down and Tony walks out, I run to him with Sarah following close behind.

"Oh, Tony!"


"My girls! Sh—we're okay. We'll be okay."

"We're better than okay, love. You're back, and you're safe. What is it?"

"We need to talk more later. For now, let's get cheeseburgers."

"And a press conference?"

"You really do know me."

"I should hope so. We've only been married for like seventeen years. Pep, press conference! Hogan, drive! Cheeseburgers on the double. Rhodes, we'll meet you there."

We get to Stark International HQ, and Obadiah greets us with an over-the-top gesture. Tony hugs him, and Obie asks for his cheeseburger. I roll my eyes, and we get to the media court. Someone stops me and Pepper.

"Dir—uh—Mrs. Stark? Miss Potts?"

"I'm sorry, sir," Pepper answers. "Neither of us is part of the press conference."

"I'm not a reporter. I'm Agent Phil Coulson with the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division."

My eyes widen as I hear him admit what I already know.

"That's quite a mouthful," Pepper states.

"I know. We're working on it." He looks at me before I butt in.

"You know, we've been approached already by the DOD, the FBI, the CIA—"

"We're a separate division with a more specific purpose," he says more for Pepper's benefit. "We need to debrief Mr. Stark about the circumstances of his escape."

"Well, I know nothing about that."

"I'll put something in the books," Pepper says.

"Thank you."

"Agent, can I talk to you? My office. I'll be right back, Ms. Potts."

"Of course, ma'am."

"Phil. Why are you here?"

"Deputies Fury and Hill sent me, ma'am."

"Fine, but you know the rules, and I could fire you for what you almost spilled."

"Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry."

"It's alright. You did manage to catch yourself, at least."

I get back downstairs, and Tony has Sarah on stage with him. Rhodes comes over to me and Pep as Tony asks everyone to sit down. Sarah puts her head on his shoulder.

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