Chapter 2: Stym Technologies

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Monday, July 20, 2015

We pull up to the gate, and the security guard greets us. "Dr. Stone? Dr. Pym?"

"Yes, we're still alive," I say before he lets my car in. There in all its glory is Stym Technologies (a play on both of our names)

"ID's" the guard at the door questions. We empty our pockets, and Hank points at the picture of the two of us.

"Perhaps that will suffice."

"Very sorry, sir. Ma'am. Please come in."

"Is that Hank Pym?"

"I don't know, but that's Renata Stone."

"Good morning, Hank."

"Hope. Would it kill you to call me Dad?"

"Dr. Cross will be so pleased that you could find the time to join us today."

"Hope, dear."

"Hi, Auntie Ren," she says giving me a hug.

"More like 'thrilled.'"

"I was surprised to receive any kind of invitation from you, Darren. What's the occasion?"

"Oh, you'll see. Won't he, Hope?"

"We're ready for you inside."

"Ouch. I guess some old wounds never heal, huh? Renata?"

"You of all people should know."

"Hmm. Don't worry, she's in good hands. You're in for a treat."

"Long time, no see, Dr. Pym, Dr. Stone. How's retirement, Dr. Pym?"

"How's your face?" I chuckle, and Carson walks inside.

"After you."

"Now, before we start, I'd like to introduce a couple of very special guests. This company's founders and my mentor and counsellor, Dr. Hank Pym and Dr. Renata Stone."

As we notice his little model, Hank and I let our faces blank. Cross Technologies is the name on the side of the building.

"When I took over this company for the two of them, I immediately started researching a particle that could change the distance between atoms, while increasing density and strength. Why this revolutionary idea remained buried beneath the dust and cobwebs of their research, I couldn't tell you. But just imagine, a soldier the size of an insect."

I immediately get Fury and Hill notified of the threat imminence, but I tell them to keep it quiet. As Darren continues talking, I tune everything out until he walks to us.

"Can you both tell our guests what you told me every single time I asked you, 'Was the Ant-Man real?'"

"Just a tall tale," we say.

"Right. Because how could anything so miraculous possibly be real?"

He shows us his breakthrough technology, and I start to contact my sources. Hank and I stay after Hope escorts everyone else out.

"You both seem a bit shocked."

"Darren, there's a reason we buried these secrets," I tell him.

"So, you finally admit it! We could have done this together, Renata, but you both ruined that. That's why you're the past and I'm the future."

"Don't do this," I say firmly.

"Dr. Cross?" Mitchell calls out.

Hank talks to Hope, and Ibring the car around. We drive back to his house, and I unpack my stuff.

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