Chapter 3: Madame Summer

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Dr. Cho, my assistant, and I have been working on something next level. As we're talking, Ultron suddenly takes her, and I know there is nothing I can do about it right now. I hear Steve and Nat in the shower before they start just talking. I hear Bruce on the phone with his girlfriend. Tony and Steve are chopping wood and actually arguing for once.

"Hello, Deere," Tony says coming into the garage.

I come out in my Elizabeth Jones disguise, but he hasn't seen me yet.

"Tell me everything. What ails you?"

"Do me a favor. Try not to bring it to life."

"Why, Ms. Barton, you little minx. I get it, but why? You helped me."

"You never even hesitated, babe."

"Look, Gen, it's been a really long day, like Eugene O'Neill long, so how's about we skip to the part where you explain?"

"Let's go inside."

Everyone is sitting around the room as we walk in.

"Ultron took you guys out of play to buy himself time. He's building something. The amount of vibranium he made off with, I don't think it's just one thing."

"What about Ultron himself?"

"Stevie, he's everywhere. He's multiplying faster than a Catholic rabbit. Still doesn't help us with his plans."

"Still going after launch codes?"

"Yes, he is. Someone is stopping him. Tony, I need you to go to Oslo."

"On it, babe."

Tony's throwing a dart. Clint, not looking, hits the bullseye. I throw a knife by both of them (and one at the dartboard for good measure) getting their attention back.

"Well, this is good times, boss, but I was kind of hoping when I saw you, you'd have more than that."

"I do. I just can't tell everybody everything, Romanoff."

"Sorry, ma'am."

"You'll be staying here for the duration—"


"Understood, ma'am. I apologize, my behavior was uncalled for."

"Forgiven." As Tony is leaving, I whisper to him, "Check on them for me?" and I place a slip of paper in his hand.

"Of course, dear."

"Let's go people!"

Banner goes to the tower; Fury goes to get Hill; Tony goes to Oslo; and Steve, Clint, and I go to my research team in Seoul. A few hours later, I scream intensely as the bond I shared with my team is ripped to shreds. Clint and Steve look at me in horror.

"I'll be back," I deadpan before Summer takes over.

"Two minutes. Stay close."

Steve then finds Cho, but I'm already gone. I get the Cradle to Clint after quickly reprogramming the synapses to allow the gem to someday be removed. One of the bots gets to me; but, as Summer is still in control, I'm unbothered. They torture me for information, and I give them . . . Nothing. Afterward Ultron has a little "discussion" with me before he finally leaves me in a cell. I hear Clint in my head, and fortunately Summer lets him know what he asks, but she won't let me out still. She's very angry, and I know she will get her revenge soon. I sense Bruce and Tony arguing so Summer convinces them to stop by telling them that I already revamped the Cradle and got rid of the bugs. They quickly get to work finishing just as everyone else shows up. My connection goes out as the torture continues.

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