Chapter 2: Moving

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I portal to Bucky and our son Edward.

"Hey, Buck. I'll be gone for another two days. I love you."

"I love you too, Doll. Stay safe, please."

"Of course, love. Bye, baby boy. Mommy loves you so much!"

I teleport to Bruce's lab. Clint arrives shortly after, and I finish healing him.

"Good as new, baby."

"Thanks, Gran."

"Anytime, kiddo. Just don't make it a regular thing. If you need me, I'll be with Bruce and Pops."


"Yeah, yeah. I love you!"

"I love you too."

I get down to the lab, and we start uploading the AI from Strucker to the Ultron program. I tell Steve, and he doesn't like it, but I show him part of the future, and he finally agrees. We work for three days with little rest. Jarvis tells us to get ready for the party. I play billiards with Sam and Steve once I come back down.

"Sounds like a hell of a fight. Sorry, I missed it, boss."

"Yeah, if we had known it was gonna be a firefight—"

"We absolutely would have called."

"You know, Steven? I don't think he's actually sorry." I look down at my watch and realize that I need to go. "Well, if you'll both excuse me."

"Of course, ma'am."

"Bye, sis! Be safe!"

Thor gives me some Asgardian liquor on my way out. Steve and Nat are kissing as I leave.


"Hi, my little man. Everything okay, Buck?"

"Yeah, it's all fine. I've got my two favorite people."

"I agree. Let's move."


"Your thoughts are really loud, honey."


I pack everything up with my powers, and we teleport to a safehouse in Greece. I tell Bucky I have to do more work, and he helps me find puzzle pieces over the next few days. I finally portal to Clint's farmhouse a week or so later.


"Hey, Babygirl. Clint and the others will be here soon."


"Honey? I'm home. Hi. Company. Sorry, didn't call ahead."

"Hey. Actually, it's—"

"Hi, baby."


"This is an agent of some kind. Wait—Laura? He married my step-grandkid?"

"Surprise, Pops."


"For those who don't know, this is Laura."

"I know all of your names."

"Ooh. Incomings."



"Hey, bud!"

"Hi, sweetheart!"

"Hi, Gwanny!"

"Hey, girlie."

"Hi, buddy. How are you guys doing?"

"These are smaller agents," Tony says not wanting to believe that he is technically a great grandpa already.

"Look at your face! Oh my goodness."

"Gwanny, did you bring Auntie Nat?"

"Why don't you hug her and find out?"

"Uncle Steve!"

"Hey, guys!"

"Yeah, so, Gran—Liz—Ady—whatever, helped me set this up when I joined. She kept it off SHIELD's files. We'd like to keep it that way."

"Oh, they won't cause any problems. It's a good place to lay low," I tell them.

"I missed you," Natasha says to Laura. "How's little Natasha, huh?" Nat asks looking lovingly at Laura's pregnant belly.

"She's . . . Nathaniel."


I walk out after Steve and see Thor leaving. My brother zones out to the nightmare put in his head.

"You wanna tell me, or should I look? Wait—let me guess—Nat leaving you?"

He stays silent but looks down. He turns to go back inside, but he stops just inside the doorway. I look into his mind as he remembers the nightmare. I go through everyone's heads and take away the bad images. Steve turns to me with a look of regret mixed with gratitude.

"Don't even," I start, "I got over it 70 years ago."

He walks away, and I find my granddaughter looking at what would be Clint's wound.

"See? You worried for nothing. Gran fixed me right up."

"If they're sleeping here, some of them are gonna have to double up."

"Yeah, that's not gonna sell."

"Well, Nat and Steve, Gran and Pops—"

"Nat and Steve?"

"You do realize they're engaged right?"

"Oh, whoops."

"Hon, how did that slip your mind?"

"Uh—Gran! Hey!"

"I'll keep him safe, Laura. I promise."


"Calm your mind, dear."

"Thanks, Gran."

We hug before I leave tocall my research team.

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