Chapter 2: Explanations

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The Morning After (Tuesday, June 8, 1943)

Steve wakes up to a slight tingling sensation in his feet. Once he sits up in his bed, he sees me amusedly tickling his toes.

"Ady! What are you doing?"

"Waking you up, silly! You do know it's like 11:30, right?"

"Oh no! Wait! Why aren't you at work?"

"Little bro, are you okay? You do know what time I come home for lunch every day, yeah? Stevie?"

"Oh—right. Hehe..."

"I worry about you sometimes. Oh, Bucky's here by the way. See ya downstairs, kid."

Steve gets out of bed as I walk downstairs. He quickly gets dressed and heads toward the kitchen, but as he comes closer he hears me and Bucky yelling.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he hears Bucky shout.

"How do you tell the love of your life that you might never be coming back to them, and how am I to know that you wouldn't have said something to Steven if you knew?" he hears me reply.

"I—" James begins.

"Said something to Steven about what?" Steve asks as he steps into the room. Bucky looks at the floor, whereas I look right into my brother's eyes.

"Just that they might want me to do more book conferences," I say.

"Oh," is all Steve can muster. "Ady, is everything okay?"

"Of course, it is, sweetheart. Stevie, just don't worry over it. It's not set in stone, and I just want to see how this one goes before I say yes to more."

"That seems reasonable."

"See, James, he gets it!"

"You are unbelievable! Come find me when you're actually ready to tell the truth, 'Doll'!" Bucky says putting just how much pain he felt into that sweet little nickname.

"James, wait! Bucky! Come on!" he continues to walk away. "Fine! If you come back right now, I'll tell you—Both!" I say and walk over to the pantry.

"Ady?" Steve starts.

"If I'm going to tell you, there are three rules: number one don't either of you dare interrupt me, number two if either of you makes so much as a goddamned peep I will make sure you are never heard from again, and number three you two are going to bake me a cake that we'll all enjoy once I'm done talking. Now, are we agreed?"

"Okay, Ady."

"Sure, Doll. Whatever you say."

So as Steve and Bucky are baking, I tell them all about my work for the SSR, and the fact that I am really going away to help them with some tests. I manage to leave off the part that I am the one willing to undergo these tests but semantics. By the time the cake is done, the boys know just about everything.

"Well?" I inquire trying to get them to speak.

"I mean I can't exactly say I'm surprised, Ady," Steve says.

"Yeah, I would agree because you're just such a badass, doll."

"Oh hush, you. I'm sorry for lying to you both."

"I understand, Ady. You had to make a tough decision, and you just wanted to keep me safe. That's very admirable, sis."

"I should've known. I mean, you aren't that great at lying, Doll," Bucky says.

That's what you think. (A/N: words in bold are thoughts, and words in italics and underlined are said by an AI, if that doesn't clear everything up for future reference then I am sure I will make another Author's Note) "Bucket? Are we still on for dinner tonight?"

"Of course, hon. I'll see you after work."

"Sounds like a plan. You guys behave, and whatever you're planning, don't wreck the house, please."

"Yes, ma'am," they dutifully respond. I get back around 4:00, and Bucky captures me in a kiss as I step inside the house.

"Hi, handsome."

"Hey, hon. You go get all dolled up while I chat with this punk."

"Jerk," Steve murmurs.

I laugh and go to the room to get dressed and put on my makeup. I am finally ready about an hour later.


"Coming!" I call as I make my way down the stairs. "Stevie, you're absolutely sure you'll be okay?"

"Of course, ma'am. Ady, you look amazing. Have fun tonight, and be safe, okay?" he says winking.

"Oh my gosh, Steven!"


"Jeez! I'm right here, Buck."

"Oh, Doll, you look—breathtaking!"

"Thanks. You clean up pretty nicely yourself, Mr. Barnes."

"Come on, Doll."

"Are you going to tell me where we're going?"

"Babygirl, that would kinda ruin the surprise, don't ya think?"

"Oh, fine then, but why are we dressed fancier than we normally are for dates and shit?"

"Here's one thing I have never understood, Doll."

"What's that, Love?"

"How such a sweet little thing like you can have such a potty mouth."

"Oh, you're one to talk, Barnes. How is it that a cocky lady's man like you is the most turned on by being submissive, hmm? — What, nothing to say now?"

"We're here, Doll."

"Oh, Bucky! This is—I just—wow. It's beautiful."

Stood in front of us is a gazebo dressed to the nines for our date with a full course meal set up on the table. Bucky pulls out one of the chairs.

"For you, milady."

"Oh, James."

"Don't cry on me yet, Doll."

"It's just—this is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me."

"Yeah, that was kinda the plan."

"What do you mean, Buck?"

"Adelaide Grace Rogers, I've known you for most of my life all because of your punk of a brother, but these past two years I've truly gotten to know you, inside and out. This has been a long time coming, but will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you marry me, Adelaide?"

"Yes, Bucky. A thousand times, yes!"

●                   ●                 ●

A Few Hours Later

"Stevie! Sweetheart, we're home! Stevie? Is everything okay?" I tell Bucky to head to bed.

"No, Ady. It isn't. Look, I'm happy for you. Honestly, I am, but you're leaving next week, and Bucky will get his orders soon. I just—I feel like my world is falling apart.

"Oh, sweetheart. You listen to me, Steven. I should only be gone a day or two, a couple of weeks at the absolute most, and we'll see Bucky again. You're so strong, baby. I know it's tough, but I believe in you—I always have, and I always will. Now, come on. Let's go to bed, sweetie."

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