Chapter 1: Lost Family

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I then go to Iowa to find Clint. I knock on the door and hear sobs but no movement to open the door. I pull out my keys.

"Clint? What's wrong?"

"Oh, Liz! I thought—"

"No, honey, I'm still here. Edward—"

"Gone with Laura and the kids. Elizabeth—"

"I know. I'll help if you'd like, but Tony's not back yet. Why don't we plan strategy while waiting for him?"


"Thanks. It's been—"

"Weird. Yeah."

"Come here."

We give each other a big hug, and he reverts to sobbing. I could tell him that if he wants to do this he needs to get rid of the emotion now, but he needs a few days anyway. I know Steve and Tony will be upset with me. Nat probably will be, too. But I think it's worth it. Clint calms after a bit, and I grab his hands. We teleport to a mansion I own in Mojave, California. Nobody even knows it exists. Clint can't even see it because I have it invisible to the unaided eye.

"Give me one of your aids."

"Where are we?" he asks whilst handing it to me.

"You'll see," I reply and place a small SEED in the spot for the battery. "This see estate enhancer device or SEED for short will keep your aid working for years to come, as well as, allow you to see the estate. Here. Close your eyes and put it in."

He does and gasps when he reopens his eyes.

"You alone know it exists; and, if you tell anyone about it after this is all over, it will automatically relocate somewhere else."

"Understood. Why are we here?"

"Well, I don't think you want to stay at your house."


"And we can't be headquartered at the tower, compound, or my home. Plus, if they catch onto us—this is much easier to relocate."

"Wow, yeah—that's really cool, Liz."

"If we're going to work together, I think we should use codenames. Extra safe in case of listening ears."


"Kim Chase. KC for short. Please, don't ask why."

"Sure. Ronin."

"I like it. Now then, allow me to show you the tech we have to work with. I think you'll find it much further advanced than Avenger tech and definitely more capable than anything SHIELD had. I liked saving the best for my own use."


"They'll never see us coming. To help throw off our teammates, I will have someone disguised as Adelaide. Unfortunately for them, I'm pregnant. So, they will have to carry out term for me."


"1,000% sure, Ronin. I'll switch before they go into labor and come back a few days later. Trust me?"

"Of course, Kim."

"I really like that. Let's get to work."

"Right now?"

"Yes. I am currently cooped up in my room with no one concerned about me as of yet. I'm quite literally in two places at once. You know—Eventually, I think we should speak in a different language."

"Probably smart."

"We can figure that out later."

A few hours later, I sense a familiar presence near earth.

"I have to go to the compound for a bit. An old friend of mine is here."

"Okay. I'll get this finished up."

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