Chapter 17: Aftermath

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In a prison cell, we find Dr. Zola looking around at his new surroundings. Colonel Phillips walks in with a file and a tray of food.

"Sit down," Phillips commands.

"What is this?" Zola questions.


"What is in it?"

"Cow. Doctor, do you realize how difficult it is to get ahold of a prime cut like that out here?"

"I don't eat meat."

"Why not?"

"It disagrees with me."

"How about cyanide? Does that give you the rumbly tummy, too? — Every Hydra agent that we've tried to take alive has crunched a little pill before we can stop him. But not you. So, here is my brilliant theory. You want to live."

"You're trying to intimidate me, Colonel."

"I bought you dinner," he says and slides over the file.

Zola reads it aloud hesitatingly: "'Given the valuable information he has provided and in exchange for his full cooperation, Dr. Zola is being remanded to Switzerland'?"

"I sent that message to Washington this morning, of course it was encoded. You guys haven't broken those codes, have you? That would be awkward."

"Schmidt will know this is a lie."

"He's going to kill you anyway, Doc. You're a liability. You know more about Schmidt than anyone. And the last guy you cost us was Captain Rogers' brother-in-law and best friend and the husband of General Viper, so I wouldn't count on the very best of protection. It's you or Schmidt. It's just the hand you've been dealt."

"Schmidt believes he walks in the footsteps of the gods. Only the world itself will satisfy him."

"You do realize that's nuts, right?"

"The sanity of the plan is of little consequence."

"And why's that?"

"Because he can do it!"

"What's his target?"

"Heh, his target—is—Everywhere."

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Peggy finds us at the pub and makes her way to Steve. After I get him mostly calmed down, I hide myself in a corner while he desperately tries to get drunk.

"Ady and uh—Erskine—told me that the serum wouldn't just affect my muscles and reflexes—he said it would affect my cells to create a protective system of healing and regeneration. Which means—I can't get drunk. Did you know that?"

"Yes, your sister made it pretty clear when she would have difficult days and drink like crazy but still be stone cold sober. You know, it wasn't your fault, Steve."

"You read the reports?"


"Then you know that's not true."

"You both did everything you could—"

"The one time he needed me to help him, I couldn't."

"Did you believe in Barnes? Respect him?" Steve gives her a look. "Then stop blaming yourself. Allow him the dignity of his choice. He damn well must have thought you both worth it."

I let out a choked sob at her choice of words, and I bury my head in my knees as I sink to the ground.

"You know—she hasn't even had a drink. She cut off her emotions. It's like she doesn't want to care for herself anymore, but she has to focus on everyone else around her. Peggy, I'm scared."

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