Chapter 2: The Ceremony

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We are all doing our various traditional dances as we make our way to the ritual combat riverbank. T'Challa gets out of the jet. We are all singing.

"I, Zuri, son of Badu, give to you Prince T'Challa the Black Panther! The prince will now have the strength of the Black Panther stripped away."

He gets up after drinking the herb mixture.

"Praise the ancestors," we chant in Xhosa.

"Victory in ritual combat comes by yield or death. If any tribe wishes to put forth a warrior, I now offer a path to the throne.

The Merchant Tribe, the Border Tribe, the River Tribe, and the Mining Tribe will not challenge today.

"Is there any member of a royal blood who wishes to challenge for the throne?"

Shuri and I raise our hands. Everyone starts murmuring until we say our agreed upon statement.

"These corsets are really uncomfortable so could we all just wrap it up and go home? — Mother!"

We suddenly hear chanting and yelling.

"Jabari," I murmur. "Dora, be ready." I tell my women.

"Are they Jabari?" Shuri asks.

"Yes," Mother confirms.

"M'Baku, what are you doing here?" Zuri accosts him.

"It's challenge day. We have watched and listened from the mountains! We have watched with disgust as your technological advancements have been overseen by a child!"

"How dare you! Just get on with the challenge, M'Baku. We all know why you're here."

He barks threateningly at me, and I roar in return. He stumbles back a bit in fear.

"Fine. I, M'Baku, leader of the Jabari—"

"I accept your challenge, M'Baku."

"Glory to Hanuman."

"Come, ladies."


"Dora Milaje! (Onward)!"

We get in the water half-surrounding the two opposite the Jabari.

"Let the challenge begin."

They yell and grunt as the people cheer and groan at the fight. We move closer and closer as the fight progresses.

"Where is your god now? No powers. No claws. No special suit, oh! Just a boy fit to lead!"

"Show him who you are!" Mother shouts.

"I am Prince T'Challa, son of King T'Chaka!"

"You can do this, T'Challa!" Shuri yells.

"Come on, brother," I whisper.

"Yield! Don't make me kill you."

"I would rather die."

Everyone chants for T'Challa.

"You have fought with honor. Now yield! Your people need you. Yield, man!"

He does, and everyone cheers.

"I now present to you King T'Challa the Black Panther."


"My King."

"Wakanda forever!" T'Challashouts and we chant in reply.

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