Chapter 4: December 17 (1991)

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(Elizabeth's POV [Ady])

I wake up with Tony still on my lap, and he starts to shift so I can get up, but I pull him back to me.

"Tony? If you need—"

"Sh—I need you to just hold me right now."

I nod and we shift so his head is on my lap, and he's spread out on the couch. I run my fingers through his hair. Edwin and Ana bring us food around noon, and I coax Tony into eating a little bit. The phone rings a little while later, and I answer it.

"Stark residence, this is Lizzie speaking."

"Hello, Elizabeth. It's Mrs. Rhodes."

"Oh, Roberta! Hi! What can I do for you?"

"I'll need you and Tony to sign some paperwork, but the company and all the assets are going to the two of you."

"Oh! Um—you do know we aren't married yet—"

"Yes, but your wedding was supposed to be in just a few days, correct?"

"Yes, but—"

"According to the will, you need to proceed with the wedding in order for this to take effect."

"Let me talk to Tony?"

"Of course, you can call me anytime."

"Thanks. Bye now. Tones?"

"Yes, dear?"

"Will it be okay if we still get married New Year's Eve?"

"I can hardly wait, Love."

"Okay. I love you so much, Anthony."

"Oh, how I love it when you call me that! I love you too, Elizabeth. Come on, we have to make arrangements."

"Of course."

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