Chapter 9: Carrier

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I then teleport to the aircraft carrier allowing Coulson to pick up my brother. He messages me once he has him.

"We're about forty minutes from home base, ma'am."

"Good work, Agent."

I continue to go about what I need to do while waiting for everyone to get here. I finally get word they have arrived, and I send Nat to greet them. Once Coulson gets to me, we continue the face-trace, the carrier turns into the helicarrier, and we lift off. I am at the main console when Nat finally brings in Bruce and Steve. Agents are talking to me.

"Hover power check complete. Position cyclic. Increase collective to 8.0%."

"Preparing for maximum performance take off. Increase output to capacity. We are clear."

"All engines operating," Hill says. "SHIELD Emergency Protocol 193.6 in effect."

"We are at level, ma'am," Fury tells me.

"Good. Let's vanish."

"Engage retro-reflection panels," Hill tells the agents, and the helicarrier becomes invisible.

"Reflection panels engaged."

"Gentlemen," I say finally diverting my attention to Rogers and Banner. Steve hands me ten bucks. "Thanks for coming, Doc."

"Well, I'd do a lot of things for you, DD."

"Yeah, yeah, Bobby. Let's not let those names get out. Agent Romanoff, could you show Dr. Banner the lab?"

"You're gonna love it, Doc. We got all the toys."

Sitwell and Coulson update me on the face-trace a bit later. Meanwhile, Coulson continues to fangirl over my brother.

"We got a hit. A 67% match. Wait! Cross match, 79%."


"Stuttgart, Germany. 28 Konigstrasse," Sitwell slowly mispronounces before declaring: "He's not exactly hiding."

"Captain, you're up."

"You're not coming?" he asks.

"Not this time, Rogers."

"Yes, ma'am."

He leaves to get ready, and I send Natasha before calling Tony and telling him to get to Germany as fast as possible. I then focus on the comms and security cameras to know what is happening. I see Steve save an elderly man from being blasted. Natasha threatens Loki from the quinjet, but she almost gets blasted. Tony then takes over the speakers and plays AC/DC, of course. They then capture Loki. I have Natasha hologram call me on their way back.

"Is he saying anything, Nat?"

"Not a word."

"Just get him here. We're low on time."

"Yes, ma'am."

"I don't like it," Steve says.

"What, Rock of Ages giving up so easily?"

"I don't remember it being that easy. This guy packs a wallop."

"Still, you are pretty spry for an older fellow."

I laugh knowing that they can't see or hear me anymore. Tony just indirectly called me old, and the two are pretty funny when they have to pretend that they don't get along.

"What's your thing, Pilates?"

"I don't have a thing."

"You still might have missed a few things doing time as a Capsicle."

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