🕸 Josh Allen 🕸

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Requested by @noahjupe_HOT

Title: I Love That Man Of Mine
Warnings: None


It wasn't much of a surprise to everyone when Josh said he wanted to get married on Highmark stadium's football field. People were surprised when you said you did too. Now that one got them.

Your family was very divided on the news, some of them loving the idea while others were against it. Their opinion didn't matter though. Josh told you that he wanted to get married here for two reasons: this was his home and he met you on this field. The best thing to ever happen to you happened on this field, so you didn't have to think twice when he told you what he would like to do.

So here you found yourself, thirty minutes before the ceremony, running around like a mad woman trying to find two of the Bills' best offensive players. A long silk robe hugs your body as you hurry to find the two, growing more panicked with each second that ticks by that you can't find them.

Finally, they come walking around the corner, and from what you can tell, they're making jokes and laughing about how nervous Josh is. You roll your eyes before stomping towards them. "Stefon, Dawson! Oh, thank God I found you!"

The two snap their heads up and two pairs of wide brown eyes fall on you.

Stefon sucks in a breath and rushes over, grabbing your arm to spin you around and begin to push you back towards your dressing room. You make a noise of protest, but he quickly shuts you up. "What are you doing out here? Josh could see you!"

You make an ugly face at him and Dawson snorts, but the glare you send him makes him shut up fast. Once he's quiet, you lay it all out. "Okay, well, I'm having a crisis and I need my best friends to get through it," you rush out in one breath.

"Shhh, calm down, girl." Dawson speaks in a calm voice and you take a deep breath to control your raging emotions. "We'll figure it out."

"In her dressing room, right?" Stefon ask, sounding about as panicked as you are. He keeps looking back over her shoulder, paranoid. "We ain't doing this out in the open. Josh was just here. I can smell is strong cologne. We were actually waiting for him to come back so we could help him out."

You wave a dismissive hand, pushing your fiancé to the curb. "He'll figure it out. He's smart enough. Plus I have a bigger crisis." They can't help but to laugh at that.

Once you reach your dressing room, Dawson opens the door and all the women inside—friends and family members—let out sighs of relief at the sight of you. The relief falls from some of their faces and they begin to scold you for suddenly disappearing. You ignore them all, because you have more important matters.

"Out," you say, pointing towards the door. "All of you have to go."

Nicala, Josh's older sister, furrows her brows in confusion when she sees Stefon and Dawson. "Umm, you two aren't supposed to be here. Only females are allowed past this point." She draws an invisible line at the door.

"Yes they are." You place a hand on both of the players' backs and push them into the room. "They're my emotional support. I need them."

Women begin to leave, like you instructed them to. You didn't do it to hurt anyones feelings, but you knew their eyes wouldn't be as open as Stefon and Dawson's.

Makenna, Josh's other sister, stops to smile at you. "Whatever you say, (Y/n). You do you, because I know that you know what you're doing, and if you want Stefon and Dawson to be your emotional support, I'm all for it." You smile back and she exits, leaving the room to just you and the boys.

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