-_- Ja'Marr Chase -_-

5.9K 79 29

Requested by manivst

Title: Tell Me I'm Enough
Warnings: Insecurity and all the ANGST and FEELS. But don't worry, there's plenty of comfort :)

It's another long one. 4.2k words. Why am I the way I am? I need to be stopped—


The first few seconds when your body is slowly waking up is always the worst. Your senses come to life after a long break and you become aware of the world moving around you, struggling to take it all in for a few beats.

When you come to, eyes still closed from sensitivity to the light, you reach across the bed for Ja'Marr. Your hand meets emptiness and you slide your fingers across the sheets, searching for warmth. Only a small portion of his warmth still clings onto the soft material. That tells you that he hasn't been gone for long.

The sound of running water reaches your ears and you roll over, eyes slowly blinking open to look over at the bathroom. The door is closed and the shower is on.

It feels awfully early to be up and getting ready so you reach under your pillow for your phone. The big numbers displayed across your screen make you frown. 5:47. You both agreed last night that you would sleep in until 7:45. Guess Ja'Marr changed his mind.

You decide to lay there until he gets out. Maybe you can convince him to get back in bed with you, if only for a few more minutes. You had been hoping that you would wake up next to him and get to spend the morning curled up against him. You just wanted him for yourself for some time before Zac or Joe whisked him away from you.

You considered pretending to be asleep, just to see if he would crawl back into bed himself, but something told you he wouldn't. Him sneaking out of bed earlier than you agreed to get up hinted that this morning wasn't going to be one of those mornings. Something had to make him leave you and you were going to figure out what that something was.

The water shuts off a few minutes later and you mentally prepare for whatever man may walk out. When the door does open and your half-dressed boyfriend exits the steaming room, you can feel the energy emitting from him. His eyes are cast on the floor and you can tell that he's somewhere else; lost in his mind.

He tosses the towel he had slung over his shoulder in the corner of the room and heads for his suitcase. Normally he would feel your eyes burning holes into the back of his skull, but he's too far gone to notice. You speak up, causing him to jump.

"You do know that it's still 2 hours until we're supposed to be up and going? And 6 hours until we have to go to the stadium?"

He's still for a moment, then he slowly nods. "Yeah." You watch as he rolls his shoulders back before pulling a pair of shorts out of his bag and slipping them on over his boxers.

He doesn't turn to look at you and that makes your heart sink. Sitting up on your elbows, you ask another question. "You also know that that means you could've stayed in bed with me a little longer...?"

"I couldn't stay still and I didn't wanna wake you," he talks over his shoulder, eyes remaining on the floor. "You looked peaceful. I couldn't purposely disrupt that."

Trying to lighten the mood some, you pout and say, "You left me here, freezing in bed all alone. How could you."

This time he looks at you and the guilt in his gaze takes you by surprise. Alarm lingers in his eyes as he walks over to the bed to sit on the edge. His hand reaches out for you, coming to a rest on your blanket covered thigh and gently squeezing. "Did I wake you? I didn't mean to. I'm sorry."

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