<-> Daniel Jones <->

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Title: So Pretty
Warnings: At one point reader has a shitty day and low self esteem


Saquon Barkley was protective.

That man has been protective of you since the first day you met in college. He spoke to you one time and decided after that little chat that you were going to become best friends and he was going to protect you for forever. And he really meant it when he said forever.

Years later, sitting in his car face-to-face with him, listening to him go on about you finally attending one of his practices—distance and timing made it difficult for you to attend despite him having been in the league for quite some time—and all that stuff, you felt like you were staring into the face of college boy Saquon.

If you were honest, you blanked out on what he was saying many sentences ago, but you continued to nod and shake your head whenever it felt right so that he would think you were still listening. The gist of his speech was "if those men fuck with you, they fuck with me" which you understood, so why was he still going on?

"Saquan," you hold up your hand and shut him up before giving him a sweet smile as you say, "my wonderful friend, I get what you're saying and I'm sure I'll be fine. I can take care of myself, you know?"

He heavily sighs and nods in defeat. You take that as him being done and go to get out, but apparently he's not done. He grabs your hand and makes you look him right in the eyes.

"I'm telling you, if any of the guys say a word or do anything that makes you uncomfortable, do not hesitate to rock their world. I'll do the rest."

"What will you do?" You ask with raised eyebrows, fighting back an amused smile. "Rearrange their face?"

He quickly nods, face dead serious. "If they fuck with you, I gladly will."

At that, you roll your eyes and hurry to get out before he can grab and pull you back in. He shouts your name from where he's looking over the top of the car after your retreating body. You don't look back and instead keep walking towards the building, excitement blooming in your chest the closer you get.

The running back catches up about the time you reach the front door and he moves to hold it open for you, receiving a "seriously?" look from you. Ignoring you, he motions for you to get inside because he's not showing up late for a third morning in a row.

He leads the way and you spend the time taking everything in. You're a bit nervous to meet his teammates. You've been to a few of his games and watched them play, but you had never met one of his football brothers. Five years later, here you were about to meet the entire Giants team. What you were about to do was really hitting you now as you got closer and closer to where everyone was practicing.

You had no time to prepare yourself before Saquon threw the door open and announced his arrival to everyone. There were a few cheers of his name and some curious peeks at you, but it was over as soon as it started and everyone went back to what they were doing.

The running back motions for you to follow him and you do, watching everything going on around you as you walk. You admire all the players, finding it amazing how flawlessly they run through their coaching. You could never do that. They'd have to pick you up off the floor after one run.

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