Chapter 4: Initiation

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3rd Person POV


"So, what's next for today?" Sincline asked as he, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang exited the library and made their way down one of the many corridors of Beacon, Sincline running a program to map the area in the background while he looked over the new information he had about Remnant.

Ruby bit her lip, tapping her chin and thinking. "Well... we don't have any classes for a few days, and we already got some food..." she frowned, thinking... then snapped her fingers, an excited gleam in her eyes. "I know! We could introduce you to Team JNPR!"

Weiss sighed, and Sincline blinked, not sure who this 'Team JNPR' was. "Ruby, I already told you: they're not going to get here until-"

A loud roar cut her off, and all five turned toward the window as a large Bullhead flew past, a gust of wind following in its wake as a dark shadow tracked its movement. Several seconds later, Weiss's scroll rang, and she pulled it out to find a text.


"Let me guess... they're here?" Blake asked in amusement, taking note of the astonished/exasperated look on Weiss's face. Sincline's shoulders shook as he tried to hold back a laugh of his own. Her face was pretty funny.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Ruby asked and disappeared in a burst of rose petals, the only sign of her passage being the gust of red that streaked down the hallway and out of sight.

"...does she do that a lot?" Sincline asked, glancing at the other girls uncertainly.

All three of them sighed.

"Yeah, pretty much," Yang muttered and jogged after Ruby, the others following with Sincline bringing up the rear, his thoughts flashing once again to Ruby. It looks like her semblance is some kind of molecular teleportation, he thought. At first, he had thought it was speed... until he noticed the way her body seemed to shatter into rose petals seconds before she moved. She might even be faster than me... huh.

"So... those Grimm I fought when I first got here," he started, trying to spark some conversation and hopefully give Yang less reason to kill him. "What kind were they?" Easy enough question, he thought. I know mutual trust is going to take a while....

"Well, you remember the Grimm that looked like wolves?" Blake asked, glancing at him as they made their way down the stairs. "Those were Beowolves, low-level Grimm. Those bears? They were Ursa, same level as Beowolves."

Sincline nodded, sifting through the new information and rearranging it in his database. "What about the birds? And the scorpions?"

"The birds were Nevermores," Weiss explained as they exited the stairway and made their way into the main courtyard. "They appear in a variety of sizes, but most are usually bigger than a building and classified accordingly. As for the scorpions... they're called Deathstalkers, high-class Grimm."

Sincline nodded again, mulling over the new information. "I'm going to be honest... most of those names make sense except for the Nevermores.

Yang shrugged. "Is what it is," she replied, her tone half-guarded as she glanced at him. "Honestly, a lot of the other Grimm names don't make sense either, so..." she spread her hands in a 'what can I do' motion. "Welcome to Remnant."

"Guys, come on!" a familiar voice shouted, and the four of them looked up to find Ruby standing at the edge of the airstrip, waving. "They're almost here!"

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