Chapter 40: Robyn Hill

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3rd Person POV

Atlas Borders

"Who are you supposed to be, the Negotiator?" Robyn asked, a slight tremble in her voice as she eyed the newcomer warily, her mind whirling. Where in Oum's name did he even come from?! she wondered, hazarding a quick glance up at the sky. There weren't any Bullheads or Airships in the area, and she doubted that Ironwood had any kind of cloaking technology. So, he didn't fall... maybe he flew? She had heard of semblances with that capability, but an ability that formed armor like that and allowed flight? Not so much.

Warrin had a similar reaction. Where the Hell did this guy come from? he wondered... and that's when he remembered Ironwood mentioning a top-secret supplier of the Particle Barrier's design. Wait... could it be...?

"I'm Sincline," the mech-turned-human replied, deciding to ignore the accuracy of Robyn's comment. In a way, it's true, he mused. I am the Negotiator here. He glanced back at Warrin. "Ironwood sent me to help clear things up."

Robyn raised an eyebrow. "So, you're one of Ironwood's bot-boys then?" she asked, placing a hand on her hip while Fiona trained her weapon on Sincline... who remained completely unfazed by the 'threat.'

"No," Sincline replied, turning his gaze back to her. "But a mutual acquaintance? Yes." Unbeknownst to him, his aura had died down by a significant margin, allowing everyone else to breathe as an invisible weight retracted from their shoulders.

What in Oum's name was that? Robyn, Warrin, and Fiona wondered simultaneously, eyeing Sincline warily.

"And what, exactly, are you here for?" Robyn asked, holding up a hand and causing Fiona to lower her weapon... but not sheath it. Now that I think about it, he doesn't seem like one of Ironwood's.... He doesn't look like he has a stick up his—

"To give you an offer," Sincline replied, cutting off her train of thought. "I worked it out with Ironwood, and he's agreed to it."

That caught both sides off guard, and both Robyn and Warrin couldn't help but wonder who exactly Sincline was to have convinced Ironwood of all people. The General's iron will was as legendary as Jacque's hatred for Faunus, and that was saying something.

"I see... and what exactly does this offer entail?" Robyn asked skeptically.

"I'll tell you... if you agree to let these men and women continue on their journey," Sincline replied, jerking his head in the direction of Warrin and his cohorts, all of whom were watching the scene before them warily.

Robyn's eyes narrowed. "And why would I do that?" she asked skeptically as Fiona's grip tightened on her weapon. "Mantle needs those supplies. Without it—"

"They'll be vulnerable to the Grimm," Sincline finished, dipping his head toward her. "I would agree... if not for the project's purpose."

Robyn quirked an eyebrow, and Warrin stiffened, unsure if he should stop a security breach... or let it slide. He's right. And Robyn would find out anyway when she becomes a Councilwoman. Part of him was relieved that Sincline was the one to reveal it instead of him... but the other part of him regretted that he hadn't been brave enough to tell her the truth on his own. "And what, pray tell, does that entail?" she questioned.

The slits of Sincline's visor narrowed, and Robyn shivered at the sight of the glowing cracks that trailed beneath the mech-turned-human's 'eyes.' "Unblock the path... then we'll talk." Those two signatures from before... they're getting closer, he thought and quickly set a program to track their movements while he stared at Robyn.

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