Chapter 63: The Battle of Beacon: Part 4

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3rd Person POV

With Sincline

Letting out a massive roar, the Alpha Wyvern surged toward Sincline, flaring its wings and propelling itself toward Sincline as its fangs gleamed menacingly.

Sincline's thrusters flared, and he burst toward the Grimm, the resulting shockwave sending smaller Grimm flying as he blurred toward his enemy. Just before impact, Sincline burst forward again, and his fist slammed into the Alpha Wyvern's chest, a cloud of bone-like fragments erupting into the air.

The Grimm screeched, and its wings flared, droplets flying in all directions and forming into hundreds of Nevermores and Griffins.

Undeterred, Sincline gathered energy across his armor and pulled the same move he had against Esdeath and Nightmare Weiss. A flash of light, and multiple streaks of energy burst from his body, lancing through the clouds of Grimm and vaporizing dozens with each strike. Continuing his attack, Sincline launched an Ion blast that slashed through the Grimms' ranks, knocking the Alpha Wyvern off balance and annihilating the rest.

As the massive Grimm stumbled, Sincline shot forward. He grabbed it by the neck, his sharp talons digging into scales as he delivered a brutal uppercut to the Wyvern's jaw, causing several of its teeth to shatter. The Alpha Wyvern screeched and swung a clawed wing at Sincline, but he caught the blow on his left forearm.

Energy gathered above his palm, and Sincline punched the Grimm in the chest, the resulting beam of energy sending it to the ground. It plowed into the street, its wings shredding the buildings on either side as numerous Grimm were crushed beneath its hide. Even though I knocked it back, I didn't do that much damage, he thought. This thing isn't an SSS-Class without good reason. He could use stronger attacks, but he didn't want to risk any collateral damage.

Heaving itself up, the Alpha Wyvern raised its wings and brought them down, propelling itself into the sky. Then the Grimm snarled and unleashed a brilliant torrent of liquid darkness at Sincline.

You've got to be kidding me! Sincline flared his thrusters on his feet and back and shot into the air. With no resistance, the flames struck the ground, and a brilliant explosion shook the city.

As a cloud of debris, smoke, and fire erupted into the sky, Sincline shot toward the Grimm while the massive Wyvern dove toward him, fire trailing from its jaws. The two connected, and a massive shockwave tore through the air. Snarling, the Alpha Wyvern clawed wildly at Sincline, attacking with fire and the massive claws that adorned its second set of wings.

With one hand forcing the Wyvern's head back, Sincline blocked a wing attack with his free hand, only for his eyes to widen as the Alpha Wyvern's head jerked out of his grasp, and a burst of black fire hit his chest. To his surprise, he felt no pain and glanced down to find that his armor was unmarked. My Aura must have absorbed the attack. He quickly checked his HUD and found that his Aura had dropped to 90%.

Despite the Grimm's evident surprise that Sincline was unscathed, it knew to take advantage of Sincline's momentary shock. Rearing its head, its jaw opening down to its neck to reveal the three rows of fangs that lined its maw, the Alpha Wyvern lunged at Sincline's head, teeth flashing... and the attack connected.

Sparks flew, and the Grimm's jaws locked around Sincline's forearm, its teeth grating against his armor and dropping his Aura to 85%. Holding it back, Sincline summoned four scimitars, each one as long as an Atlesian Warship, and sent all four into its back, the blades embedding themselves into its dorsal spikes. As the Grimm reared, Sincline summoned a scimitar to his free hand. He struck, and his blade split through the armor on the Wyvern's chest, dark gore spraying across his armor as the Grimm screeched and released his arm.

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