Chapter 23: Dance Dance Infiltration: Part 2

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3rd Person POV


By the time the crowd had finally allowed the Weird Sisters back on stage, Sincline and the other boys had sung five more songs, each more popular than the last.

"That was amazing, Sincline," Ruby gushed, tackling her boyfriend in a hug, her silver eyes shining. "Why didn't you tell me you could sing?"

Sincline smiled, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "I honestly didn't know I could," he admitted. "It was that or playing the guitar, so... yeah."

"You and I are going to sing more often," Weiss instructed, placing her hands on her hips. "If you can sing that well with absolutely no practice, I'm going to make sure you don't lose that talent." And I'm going to make sure he enjoys it, she thought resolutely.

Sincline blinked. "Um... okay?"

"You did well," Blake said simply, exchanging a nod with Sincline. To be fair, she had never expected Sincline to be able to sing like that. I guess that just shows that we still have a lot to learn about each other, she thought as she rejoined Sun on the dance floor.

"I'd better go join her and make sure she stays out of... trouble," Weiss said. Giving Sincline a quick hug, she winked. "Go have some fun."

Smiling, Sincline nodded, and Ruby took his hand, both crossing to the dance floor and leaving Weiss behind as the Heiress's gaze locked on Sincline's form, a small, sad smile crossing her lips before she shook her head and rejoined the dance as well.


"Why do you think they're still talking?" Ruby asked curiously as she and Sincline walked over to the refreshment table, having decided to take a break before they rejoined everyone on the dance floor.

Sincline shrugged, following her gaze to where Yang and Mercury were conversing as they each leaned against one of the many pillars lining the sides of the ballroom. "If I had to guess, Mercury's probably trying to ask Yang to dance... and failing." Looks like his plan to 'woo Yang with his musical spectacularism' didn't work... huh.

Ruby nodded, filling up a glass with fruit punch as Sincline mirrored the action.

"I see you two are hiding at the punch bowl, too," Jaune commented as he joined them at the table, a glass of punch in hand.

"Yep," Ruby replied, popping the P.

"To the socially awkward," Jaune declared, raising his glass into the air as Ruby did the same. I don't get it. That song should have gotten her attention... but I guess it wasn't good enough.

"Here, here." Sincline raised his glass, and Ruby giggled at his antics. Although, I don't think we can be socially awkward since we just sang in front of a hundred people... right?

"Sorry things didn't work out with Weiss," Ruby said apologetically, taking a sip from her glass. Sincline had told her how Jaune had wanted to impress the Heiress with his singing, but even they knew a lost cause when they saw it.

"Meh, it's fine," Jaune assured, waving a hand dismissively. "Neptune's pretty cool. I get why she went with him."

Sincline tilted his head as he and Ruby exchanged confused looks. "What do you mean?"

"Well, come on," Jaune said, turning to them. "Not many people can pull off blue hair."

"No, he means: Weiss came to the dance alone," Ruby clarified. Did he think that Neptune asked her to the dance? she wondered, trying to figure out how Jaune had come to that conclusion.

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