Chapter 27: No Brakes

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3rd Person POV

Mountain Glenn

Opening his eyes, Sincline shifted. Feeling a light weight on his chest, he looked down and saw Ruby resting her head just below his collarbone, a small string of drool trailing from the side of her lips and onto his shirt. It was pretty adorable.

Shaking his head with a smile, Sincline rested his head against the pillow, Accalia curled up beside him. After a few hours of watch, Yang had come to take over, and Sincline had brought Ruby over to the available mattress. He had tried to set her down, but the young Rose was surprisingly strong, holding onto him with a vice-like grip. And so, here he was.

Something moved, and he glanced up, senses alert... only to find Zwei getting to his feet, shaking his tail out.

Hearing the movement, Ruby yawned and blinked, rubbing her eyes. "Zwei, it's late; go back to bed," she whined, tugging Sincline closer and resting her head back on his chest.

In response, Zwei scampered off.

"Zwei!" Letting go of Sincline and pushing herself up, Ruby glanced around. She saw Weiss and Blake still asleep, sighed, and grabbed Crescent Rose before taking off after Zwei.

Groaning, Sincline sat up and looked at Accalia, who raised her head. "You want to come or...?" Accalia stretched, her body flexing elegantly, and her tails wagged. "Guess that's a 'yes.'" Standing up, Sincline walked after Ruby, Accalia at his side, and found her looking around the street.

"Zwei, where are you?" she whisper-called.

"Looking for Zwei?"

She yelped and whipped around, weapon raised. "Ah! Sincline, where did you come from?!"

He shrugged. "You woke me up."

Ruby blushed, lowering her weapon and re-sheathing it. "Sorry." She tilted her head. "Wait, why's your shirt wet?"

"You drooled a little," Sincline replied, and Ruby's face turned redder than her cape as she stared down at her boots, muttering incoherently.

Accalia made a sniff of amusement, and Sincline rolled his eyes. "Shut it. Anyway, Zwei's over there." He pointed, and Ruby turned to find Zwei marking his territory behind a rock.

"Zwei, this is a wasteland!" Ruby chided, shaking her head as Zwei padded over to them. "You literally could have done that anywhere."

Zwei barked.

"What was that?"

They froze, and Sincline pulled Ruby behind a wall as footsteps reached their ears, Accalia and Zwei following their lead.

"What was what?"

Peeking out from behind the wall, they saw a pair of White Fang guards marching down the street.

"I thought I heard a Beowolf or something," the first guard replied.

The second guard huffed. "Let's just finish our patrol and get back to base. This place gives me the creeps."

Looking at each other, Ruby and Sincline exchanged nods and slipped after the guards, taking cover whenever possible. Behind them, Accalia slinked after them, Zwei at her heels. Turning a corner, Ruby faltered, losing her balance, and Sincline grabbed her by the arm, steadying her and pulling her back.

"Thanks," she whispered and picked up Zwei, holding him out like a periscope.

"Did they go in yet?" Ruby whispered. "One bark means 'yes.'"

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