Christmas Special

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3rd Person POV


"So... why is everyone dressing up in green and red again?" Sincline asked as he, Ren, Jaune, and Mercury made their way down the hallway to their last class of the day. All week, everyone had seemed a little... happier than usual. Even Goodwitch couldn't stop smiling... it was kind of freaking Sincline out.

"It's Christmas Eve," Ren replied, as if that explained everything... which it didn't.

Sincline blinked, tilting his head. "What's Christmas?"

Ren, Jaune, and Mercury froze and as one, they and the rest of the students in the hallway turned to stare at Sincline in absolute horror. "You don't... you don't know what Christmas is?!" Jaune shrieked.

"Um..." Sincline pointed at himself, earning a facepalm from Ren and a look of confusion from Jaune... which slowly faded into understanding.

"Trans-reality mech probably from another universe... riiiiight...." Jaune sweatdropped.

Mercury had a less... composed reaction. "WHAT?! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT CHRISTMAS IS?!" the assassin demanded, shaking Sincline so fast that he was sure he could feel his eyeballs rattling in their sockets. "Have you been living under a rock or something?!"

Sincline blinked, momentarily taken aback by Mercury's sudden vehemence. Why would I live under a rock? he wondered. "Um...."

Mercury's eye twitched, and Ren placed a hand on his shoulder, stopping him from erupting into yet another rant. "Perhaps we should take this outside."


"So, let me get this straight..." Sincline said slowly as the four boys made their way down one of the side streets of Vale. Snow had begun falling from the sky, and the majority of the city had already been covered in a thin blanket of white. "Every year on the same day, you celebrate by giving people presents... and then they give you presents in return?"

"Sort of," Jaune replied, shrugging. "It's also a holiday that we spend with our families—" Ren elbowed him, and he trailed off as a flash of sadness crossed Sincline's expression. "Oh... Sorry."

"It's alright," Sincline assured, ignoring the tug at his heart. "Really... it is." He trailed off, his thoughts turning to the fact that, in all honesty... he had no family. The only ones he could even consider close were Team RBWY... especially Ruby.

The other three boys exchanged looks, and Mercury cuffed Jaune over the back of his head while Ren sighed, rubbing his forehead with his thumb and forefinger.

Shaking his head, Sincline turned his attention back to the others. "So... what do we do now?" he asked.

"Normally, since it's Christmas eve, we would get gifts," Jaune explained. "I'm going to go pick up a necklace for Pyrrha." It wasn't much, but hopefully she would like it.

"A barrel of waffles for Nora," Ren sighed.

"...a fire extinguisher for Cinder and a wallet for Emerald," Mercury said finally, completely straight-faced.

Sincline blinked. Fire extinguisher? Part of him was tempted to ask, but the other... was more focused on more important matters. "So... what should I get my team?" he asked curiously.

The three boys shrugged. "That's up to you," Ren replied. "But I recommend thinking about what each girl likes and getting her an appropriate gift."

Sincline nodded slowly, trying to figure out what exactly each girl did like. Well, I know Blake likes books, so that's easy enough. Yang already has a motorcycle, so maybe I could get her something else that goes fast. Weiss... is an Heiress, so I think she already has a lot of necklaces. And Ruby... what would Ruby like?

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