Chapter 21: Camping 101

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Emerald Forest

3rd Person POV

"Are you guys sure about this?" Jaune asked as he peeked around the edge of the hallway, checking it for any teachers who might be patrolling the corridors at night. "If we get caught...." Well, he didn't even want to imagine what could happen.

"Again: Goodwitch or Grimm, take your pick," Mercury replied simply, poking out from behind the wall above him as he scanned the corridor as well.

"Is there a difference?" Sincline asked, peeking out from beneath Jaune. From what he knew/has seen of Goodwitch, her temperament was just as dangerous as a Grimm's... possibly even more so.

"Nope," Ren replied, peering out from above Mercury and completing their totem-pole formation. "If anything, she's more dangerous."

"...let's move."

Exiting their formation, the four of them made their way down the darkened hallway, their boots padding softly against the carpet.

"Are you picking up anything?" Jaune asked quietly as the group advanced, Mercury and Ren leading the way with Sincline and Jaune bringing up the rear.

Sincline tilted his head for a long moment, scanning the academy for the Aura signatures he had come to associate with the teachers and Ozpin. "Goodwitch is on the corridor to our right, and Oobleck's on the one above," he reported. "Port's in his room doing... I don't think I want to know; Ozpin's in his tower, and Peach is patrolling outside her classroom."

Mercury whistled. "Wish I could do that." If Sincline were an assassin too, we could pull off any mission we wanted, he thought. That... and raid the snack bar without anyone being the wiser.

"Don't we all," Ren replied. While he was content with his own use of Aura to sense others, he had to admit, Sincline's sensors were far superior. In truth, it's probably better that he's the one with the special abilities, he thought. If Nora had even one of them... I don't even want to think about what could happen.

After several minutes, the group reached the courtyard and crouched behind four of the pillars. "Alright. All we have to do is get across the courtyard, and we're home free," Jaune whispered.

"Don't jinx it—" Mercury began.

"Goodwitch is coming," Sincline hissed, warnings flashing across his HUD. You've gotta be kidding me!

"...he jinxed it," Mercury sighed, facepalming. So, it's death by detention, Grimm, or Cinder... I hate my life.

"What do we do?" Jaune gulped, panicking. If Goodwitch caught them, she'd kill them for sure. Or worse—expel them!

(A/N) Chill down, Hermione.


A flash of light, and Sincline warped away, disappearing through a rift and into the safety of the Quintessence Field. Ren jumped, kicking off a column to increase his height, and drew his weapons. Transforming them into their bladed form, Ren hooked them around one of the rafters and hung there, holding his breath while Mercury and Jaune panicked.

"Hide! Hide!" Mercury whipped around, trying to find a place to take cover... but found none. "F*** where?!"

"Anywhere!" Jaune shot back... and promptly ran for the nearest tree. Reaching the base, he began scaling it as quicky as possible (thanks to numerous hide-and-seek games with his sisters).

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