New Year Special

660 16 14

3rd Person POV


As it turns out, waking up with not one person, but an entire team of people, landing on you is not the best way to wake up. Sincline had been almost asleep, quietly wondering why Ruby had her arms wrapped around him again...and why he liked it so much... when the door slammed open.

"WAKE UP, YOU LAZY LUMPS!" Nora shouted.

Sincline jerked in surprise, attempting to shoot to his feet, only for his ankles to tangle in the sheets. He fell and barely fought back a grunt of pain as his back slammed into the floor. Groaning, he looked up... only for his eyes to widen as Weiss fell out of bed as well... landing right on his chest.

Sincline coughed... and that's when Ruby, having been unbalanced due to the shifting bed, fell on his head... with Yang and Blake falling on his torso and knocking the wind out of him.

"What the Hell is wrong with you?" Weiss snapped, rubbing her back and wincing, flashing Nora a glare in the process. Idly, she wondered why the landing was so soft compared to the last time she fell out of bed.

"...ow," Sincline's muffled voice groaned, and the four girls froze.

Ever so slowly, the four of them looked down... and their eyes widened as they realized just who they were lying on. "Sincline!" As one, the four girls practically teleported off their fallen teammate, finally allowing him to breathe.

"...that hurt," Sincline groaned, rubbing his eyes and wincing as he sat up. "Why is Nora knocking down the door again?"

"I dunno, but she'd better have a good reason," Yang muttered, glaring at Nora while trying to ignore the fact that they didn't land on Sincline in the... best position.

Nora pouted. "Of course, I have a good reason! It's New Year's Eve!" she exclaimed as Ren, Jaune, and Pyrrha slowly filed out of their dorm, groaning as they rubbed sleep from their eyes. Evidently, Nora didn't have mercy on them either... and that's when her words registered.

"Wait, it's New Year's Eve?!" the four girls shrieked, causing Sincline to wince and rub his ears.

"How did we forget that?" Blake wondered.

"I don't know!" Ruby yelped, tugging her hair in despair. "Weiss, didn't you mark it on the calendar?"

The Heiress stared at her. "You mean the same calendar that you decided to use as a dartboard?" she deadpanned.

" have no evidence," Ruby declared.

Weiss opened her mouth to counter... only for Sincline to tilt his head. "Um... what's New Year's Eve?"

Everyone froze, and the two teams gaped at him in astonishment. "How did... how do you not know what New Year's Eve is?" Jaune exclaimed.

Ren tapped his shoulder. "Um...." He pointed at Sincline, who let some purple fire leak from the edges of his eyes.

Jaune sweatdropped. "Right... trans-reality mech... sorry, Sincline."

"It's alright," Sincline assured, ignoring the bead of sweat that slowly dripped down his neck. This is the second time he's forgotten... I hope he's alright. Maybe Jaune got hit on the head or something.

"Well, for your information, Sincline, it's the day where the whole world celebrates the end of the year and the beginning of a new one," Weiss explained. "For example, say it's 2019. When it turns to midnight, it would be the wonderful new year of 2020. Does that make sense?"

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