Chapter 70: Battle for Remnant: Part 5

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3rd Person POV

Evernight Castle

"Yang, duck!" Ruby shouted and swung, her scythe arcing toward Hazel as Yang ducked beneath the blow, only for the large man to catch the weapon by the blade and throw the young Rose to the ground.

"Ruby!" Yang shouted and rushed toward her, only for Tyrian to intercept and kick her back toward Hazel before whipping around and darting toward Ruby as she rolled to her feet.

"Why are you doing this?!" Emerald shouted, firing at Mercury as the young assassin dodged the rounds. "You could have been with us! Yet you chose her!"

"Don't you get it?!" Mercury shot back. "Salem was going to destroy the world! Salem—!"

"I don't care about Salem!" Emerald shouted, unleashing more Dust rounds at Mercury. "But I owe Cinder everything!" Her body blurred, and multiple copies of her appeared around Mercury.

Mercury cocked his leg and lashed out, unleashing a stream of Dust shells as he pivoted on his heel, taking down the copies around him. His sixth sense flaring, Mercury ducked. Emerald's blade hissed over his head, and he spun, his boot slamming into Emerald's ribs and unleashing a Dust round that sent her flying backward.

As Mercury charged after Emerald, Weiss summoned a Glyph, blocking a shell from Watts as he fired at her.

"It seems this would be a prodigious time for me to take my leave," Watts mused, retreating behind a jagged rock that had been dislodged from the ceiling. Loading another shell, he started toward a gaping hole in the wall, only for Blake to land in front of him.

"You're not going anywhere," she threatened and fired, only for Watts to summon a hard-light Dust shield in front of him, deflecting the shot.

"Like them?" Watts asked, smirking. "My rings aren't only for decoration, of course. Face it; there's no way you can attack me."

"She wasn't attacking."

Watts turned around, summoning a hard-light shield to deflect Weiss's rapier as it hissed toward him.

"She was distracting," Weiss finished, her blue eyes flashing. Just like Sincline would say: if Watts blocked her, he'd leave himself open for her follow-up. If he didn't: game over. It was a win either way.

"And yet you still failed," Watts pointed out, and Weiss smirked. "Not really."

Eyes widening as a glyph appeared beneath him, Watts barely had time to react as ice surrounded his body, freezing his legs as Blake threw Gambol Shroud, the weapon wrapping around Watt's neck.

"Now!" Blake shouted and pulled, yanking Watts backward as Weiss struck, her rapier shattering Watt's Aura and sending him flying into a wall.

Cackling, Tyrian lunged toward Ruby, dodging around Accalia and the Hound as the two fought, an aura of black fire hissing around the nine-tailed fox as she dodged the Hound's attacks, each of his blows ripping through the ground with ease.

Ruby backflipped, dodging Tyrian's blade as it hissed over her horns.

"What's the matter?" Tyrian cackled again. "Thorn lost your Rose? Or is it that the Rose lost her precious little Thorn?" He lunged at Ruby, his blade hissing toward her neck... only for a familiar, white-cloaked Huntress to intercept, deflecting Tyrian's blades with her scythe.

"Mom?" Ruby asked, eyes widening in surprise.

Glancing back at her, Summer smiled sadly, taking in her daughter's corrupted appearance. Seeing her like that was... horrifying, but they had much worse matters to handle.

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