Chapter 18: Dangerous Day: Part 1

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3rd Person POV


"I was, uh, wondering if you'd like to hang out with me tomorrow after we set up for the dance?"

"Is that going to be okay with Yang?"

"Hmm... Nope."

"That's not very reassuring."

"Nope. So...?"

"Okay. I guess we'll... hang out tomorrow?"

"Great! See you tomorrow!"

A pair of tablecloths slapped down on the table before Ruby, startling the young Rose out of her thoughts. While the other members of the team, aside from Blake who was still in the library, worked to rearrange the ballroom for the dance, she had been lost in thought as she recalled the events of the previous night.

"I need you to pick a tablecloth," Weiss ordered and slid the two pieces of identical blue cloth toward her.

Rubbing her eyes, Ruby blinked, examining them in confusion. "Aren't they both the same?"

Weiss huffed. "I don't even know why I asked. Sincline!"

Sincline jumped, nearly losing control of the ship he had been using to lower the stage through the rooftop, energy cables hooked into the sides of the metal platform from the bottom of his vessel. Quickly regaining control and stopping the stage from slamming through a wall, he glanced back at them as the two girls sweatdropped at the destruction Weiss nearly caused. "Yeah?"

Shaking her head, Weiss held up the tablecloths. "Which of these would look better for the dance?" she asked.

Sincline blinked, tilting his head. "Aren't they both the same?"

"See!" Ruby exclaimed, pointing at Sincline and then at Weiss. "That's what I said!"

"Arrgh!" Throwing her hands up, Weiss stormed off, shaking her head and passing Yang as the blond-haired Huntress set down a large speaker.

What's up with her? Yang wondered, glancing at the Heiress before shrugging and dusting off her hands. "So, have you picked out a dress yet?" she asked, crossing to the table where Ruby was seated while Sincline's ship slowly lowered the stage into position.

Ruby shook her head. "Not yet," she replied. "But still, that won't matter if Blake doesn't go with us." She sighed, resting her head on her crossed forearms as she slumped over the table.

"Oh, don't worry; she's going," Yang assured. Getting no response, she sighed and pulled up a chair to sit down opposite her. "Alright, what's on your mind?"

"What?" Ruby froze, and Sincline felt a shiver run down his spine as a sense of doom crawled over his skin. "Nothing! Nope, absolutely nothing!"

"Mmhmm..." Yang raised an eyebrow. "Okay, come on~" she teased, winking. "What's this all about? Is it about a certain purple-eyed teammate of ours~?"

Ruby gulped. She knows. "Um..." She shifted, eyes darting from side to side, then blurted, "ImaybeaskedSinclineoutonadateslashhangoutandImightwanttoaskhimtothedancelater."

Yang blinked once, then blinked again. "Run that by me again?"

"I, uh..." Ruby shifted again. "I maybe asked Sincline out on a date/hangout, and I might want to ask him to the dance later."

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