Kidnapped Husband (Z x P)

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*le phone call*

Zombie: Ello 

Kidnapper: We have your son

Zombie: Uh-

Zombie's thoughts: But I have a daughter wtf-?

Zombie's thoughts: Oh wait- that pig-

Zombie: Trust me, you'd know if you have my kid.

Kidnapper: Then who just demanded a grilled cheese sandwich and made me cut the crust off?!

Zombie: Oh my god-

Zombie: You have my husband-

Pigman, in the corner: I wAnT aNoThEr SaNdWiCh

Zombie: Can you just keep him, like a few extra days or something?

Kidnapper: Please come get him

Zombie: *blegh* sorry *blegh* service *blegh* going *blegh* out

Zombie: *hangs up*

Kidnapper: Sir? Sir?!

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