Herobrine catches Skel and Wither doing... things?

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Skel: Stop!

Wither: Nah~

Skel: O-Ow! Agh-

Herobrine: Kids time for-

Herobrine: ...breakfast...

Wither: I- 

Skel: Oh shit

Herobrine: WHY

Herobine: ARE YOU

Herobrine: GUYS

Herobrine: NAKED

Herobrine: *OH WAIT HE DID NOT*

Wither: I can explain...?

Herobrine: Detention

Wither: Fuck

Wither: Can Skel joi-

Herobrine: NO.

Skel: *Herobrine you live-saver 🥺*


Herobrine: If I see that thing Wither doing to you I'm buying a plane ticket for you

Skel: :O For real? Can my brother come too

Herobrine: If he wants to tag along sure

Wither: *why teach I thought i was your favourite student 🥲*

(Yeah sure Wither Herobrine actually loves Skel and Slime)

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