If Stray and Skel met Edge again-

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In case you don't know who Edge is

He's Skel and Stray's middle brother

Let's move on

 Me: Hey Skel and Stray

Stray: Tf you want 

Me: You're gonna see your middle brother again

Skel: Really?

*le teleports him* 

Edge: Uh hey- Marrow- 

Skel: Hi Edge! How are you?

Edge: I'm fine I guess-

Edge: Who's that-

Stray: *oh he doesn't remember me how rude*

Skel: That's our older brother! He got turned into a stray by mom's totally 'legal' and 'safe' experiments.

Edge: You haven't changed do you?

Stray: Tf do you mean 

Edge: Still emo as always 💀

Stray: How dare you-

Skel: Imma just go-

Welp you don't wanna know what happened 

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