Monster School meets their future selves

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Zombie: Where the heck am I?

Future Zombie: Hey past me!

Zombie: You're my future self?

Future Zombie: No shit sherlock

Zombie: What do I expect in the future?

Future Zombie: World record of continuous bottle flips

Zombie: Ooh! How many?

Future Zombie: 174 bottle flips


Skeleton: Hm?

Future Skeleton: ...Hi

Skeleton: You good? You sound exhausted

Future Skeleton: Yeah I am

Skeleton: Why?

Future Skeleton: Wither f**ks me once a week

Future Skeleton: Be careful-

Skeleton: ...Pardon- how many kids do you have-?

Future Skeleton: *sighs* 3.

Skeleton: *le ded*

Creeper: What is this place?

Future Creeper: Hi!

Creeper: IMPOSTER!

Creeper: *le boom*

Future Creeper: How dumb was I even?

Slime: No way your future me? You look so tall!

Future Slime: No shit sherlock

Future Slime: But I'm still short

Slime: oh ;-;

Pigman: You like pizza

Future Pigman: Of course man

Pigman: Can ya do this? *starts dancing*

Future Pigman: Oh you want a dance battle HUH?

Enderman: I can teleport to countries now? That's so cool!

Future Enderman: Yep, and the villagers aren't scared of me anymore.

Wither: Say, how's your hacking powers? Did it get stronger?

Future Wither: Well I don't use it often- but I guess so?

Wither: How many kids do yo-

Future Wither: 3. I WANT 5


Future Stray: Abd uh, yeah I can basically summon a frost fury or a frost dragon. The frost fury is stronger, but i don't really see the difference.

Stray: Well that's cool

Husk: Food?

Future Husk: I eat my own limbs

Husk: HUH?!


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