Funny text messages 2

65 2 12

Stray: Hey Skel Wither challenged us for a water fight

Skel: I'm in

Skel: Just waiting for the water to boil

Stray: WHAT

Zombie: Let me copy your homework

Pigman: I was gonna copy yours

Wither: Skel my phone is at 3 percent :(

Skel: My patience with you is at 3 percent

Stray: Knock knock

Wither: Who's there

Stray: You can no longer

Wither: You can no longer who?

You can no longer send direct messages to this person. Learn more


Husk: 🥺🥺🥺

Stray: Are we talking about dinner or death?

Stray: I'm cool with either, I just gotta fit it into my schedule properly

Slime: You still single?

Creeper: Yeah

Slime: Not surprised

Wilbur: How is practice going?

Wither: Terrible I want to stab everybody here

Wilbur: Okay just don't get blood on your clothes

Wither: You're the mafia boss you shouldn't be condoning this

Wilbur: Don't tell me how to live my life

Zombie: Hey

Zombie: You left your house door open

Skel: Don't know, don't care

Zombie: Well you will now

Zombie: Your cat escaped


Skel: I'm hungry

Skel: Get me some taco bell, Wither

Skel: Wither?

Wither: Skel I'm with my parents... I can't-

Skel: You're not my husband

Wither: SKEL

Stray: Husk is like rapunzel

Zombie: ... elaborate

Stray: Instead of letting his hair down, he just lets you down

Stray: K

Husk: Every kiss begins with K :)

Stray: Too bad ugly begins with u

Wither: Hey

Skel: Hey Wither can I ask you a stupid question

Wither: Sure...

Skel: On a scale of 1-100 how mature are you?

Wither: 69 :)

Skel: ... let's try this again

Skel: From a scale of 1-10 how mature are you?

Wither: 6.9 :)

Wither: How's mah pregnant lil wifey?

Skel: Wait what how did you know?!

Wither: Sorry I meant perfect

Wither: Wait.... WHAT?!

Wileton: Mom stop, you can't make jokes

Skel: I made you.

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