POV: Skel's voice in the morning

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*Skel walks into the kitchen*

Wither: You're up early

Skel: *deep voice* Hey buddy how's it going

Wither: Woah! Yo what?!

Skel: What?

Wither: Why is your voice so deep?

Skel: Ah it's just a lil deeper in the morning.

Skel: ...yours doesn't do that?

Wither: You sound like you are narrating a Ford commercial!

Skel: Yeah I get that sometimes...

Wither: Is that like a condition or...?

Skel: I don't know why it does that Wither.

Skel: It's early. Will you let me enjoy my morning in peace?

Wither: Yeah... okay!

Skel: I'm going to make some coffee for Stray.

Skel: You want one too?

Wither: No sir... no- no- thank you- hoodie guy-

Skel: And FYI, Stray is a lil under the weather.

Skel: He sounds terrible.

Skel: Try not to draw attention to it.

Skel: I think he's self conscience.

Wither: Do you mean self conscious-

Stray: *kawaii voice* 皆さんおはようございます!(good morning everyone!)

Skel: Morning.

Stray: うわー!あなたの声はとても深いです!(woah! Your voice is so deep!)

Wither: Okay, what is going on?!

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