Skel's anger practice

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Enderman: Okay, we're gonna try this one more time.

Enderman: And say it with me now okay?

Enderman: DIE!

Skel: Okay, okay...


Skel: Die.

Enderman: How are you not getting this- we've been here for an hour, Skel!

Creeper: Endy, I wish I could say I was concerned you're yelling at Skel but at this point it's so normal so what's going on?

Skel: Enderman's letting me to call him his friend on one condition. I learn how to scream like him.

Skel: So tell me if this looks like Enderman

Skel: ...Die.

Pigman: No, no, Skel... good try, but please don't do that again

Wither: Enderman what is this about?!

Enderman: Hey don't look at me that way! He wanted to learn how to scream

Enderman: I'm teaching him how to scream and if anyone's gonna be my friend, then they gotta be on my same level

Stray: Well if you're trying to get through then you're not doing the Marrow Bone way

Stray: Let me show you

Stray: Skel, I want you to say it one more time

Stray: But imaging you're talking... to mom.

Skel: Oh, okay

Skel: *le deep breath*

Skel: DIE!

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