Mobs meet a karen

50 3 20

This is gonna be a lot of drama

We'll do single pringle duos then couples

1st duo: Creeper and Slime

Creeper: Bet I can grab that cereal box before you

Slime: You know I'm too short for that

Karen: Hey, green fools!

Creeper: ...are you talking to me?

Slime: Or me...?

Karen: Both of you of course!

Slime: You do know we're different shades of green. I'm more limey, and my friend over here has more darker green than me

Karen: Shut up! I don't need lectures! Take out your costumes! They look ridiculous on you!

Creeper: Costume... what the fuc-

Slime: I'm a literal Slime what costume are you talking about


Creeper: *lighting up*



2nd duo: Enderman and Hero

Enderman: Do we need milk?

Herobrine: Hell no gives me nightmares about my dad leaving to get milk

Enderman: Okay...

Karen: Hey you skinny idiot!

Enderman: ...what

Herobrine: May we help you

Karen: Young man, stop pretending to be blind. Take your contacts off

Herobrine: What contacts...? These are real-

Enderman: Hero I'm about to lose it

Herobrine: *Oh fuck I forgot if he stares at someone for too long he's gonna oof that person*

Herobrine: Mam you need to leave before he-

Karen: I'm not leaving until I see your manager!

Enderman: *HISSSSSSSS*

Now we're not gonna talk about what happened now the couples woo hoo

1st couple: Zombie x Pigman

Pigman: Should we buy some food

Zombie: We already have food at home

Karen: Hey zombie and pig freak!

Zombie: ...what

Karen: Remove that annoying costume you look like a pig and a zombie couple

Pigman: That's because we are...?

Karen: Don't make me take the costume out for you! *tries getting Pigman's 'costume' off*


Zombie: Miss... I'll count to three for you to run... or else

Karen: Or else what?!

Zombie: I'll eat your brains...

Zombie: One...

Zombie: Two...

Karen: He's joking right?


Zombie: THREE!

(And you know very well what happens)

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