#Protecc Skel pt. 4

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Drowned: Skel I'm so sorry that happened to you but honestly the mobs of this server are nothing none of them are worth a thing

Pepa: That's definitely not coming from the biggest Edge simp. Oink.

Skel: Thanks for trying to cheer me up, guys, but I just thought maybe if I went on a date with him I couldn't understand him better but then I can also understand why he hates our class so much

Pepa: Yeah that doesn't- wait a minute, he hates our class?

Skel: Yeah, with a burning passion

Drowned: Skel... who did you go on a date with in the first place?


Wither: Alright the extra's right behind this door

Enderman: You guys ready?

Zombie: I didn't know Skel was going out with someone on this server, I wonder who it is

Creeper: None of you actually know who Skel went out with? What kind of friends are you?

Stray: We're the kind who respects his privacy, thank you very much!

Slime: Maybe he didn't say anything because she went out with his ex.

Enderman: WITH WHO-

Wither: *crash opens door*

Wither: YOU! How dare you hurt Skel!

Skuller: Huh?! Oh god, not more of the monster school class, look if that weird guy sent you here can you just screw off already? He hit me hard enough already

Zombie: First of all, that weird guy's name is Skel, so get it right

Pigman: Second of all, what makes you think we're just going to let you get away with hurting Skel, huh?

Creeper: Third of all, I highly recommend you apologise to Skel immediately

Slime: Of all the people he could have went out with why did it have to be you?

Skuller: Excuseeee me but I'm the victim here! He's the one who struck me after I called him a freak as he is!


Wither: Lock the door.

*Stray locks door* 

Stray: Got it.

Skuller: W-Wait a minute, none of you are gonna hurt me right? I mean Hero is just downstairs he's not gonna let you do this!

Enderman: Doesn't count if we're beating up a villain! Creeper, do it.

Creeper: I will ignore the violence, just this once. *slowly begins to explode*

Monster School Stuff-Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz