#Protecc Skel pt. 1

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Zombie: *groans* Ugh, when is Skel coming back from his date? I'm bored

Enderman: Well I texted him earlier but he didn't reply to me

Enderman: Should we be worried?

Wither: For the last time guys, I'm telling you, he's fine!

Wither: *whispers* Besides I put a tracker on his phone anyway...

Pigman: Aww, the Wither Malodor does have a heart!

Wither: I will choke you!

Slime: Oh, wait, everyone shut up, there he is!

Skel: *teary face*

Skel: Oh- hi guys.

Enderman: Skel? Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?

Skel: I-It's nothing I'm fine really but Pigman can you please charge my phone... thanks...

Wither: Pigman, what are the text messages on his phone say?

Pigman: The message on his phone from his date said, "I'm not gonna date a freak"

Wither: Well that sells it

Wither: Everyone get up

Wither: We're gonna go kill an extra

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