Malodor's + Stray powers and abilities

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No reason

Just for fun

Power: Speed spell

Wileton: As you know, speed spells are not easy, but if done correctly, they can allow you to be more efficient with your day

Wileton: *grabs all books and places them on the bookshelves in less than 3 seconds*

Wither: *im starting to think my own son's more stronger than me*

Power: Self duplication

Wiletina: I've discovered a very old spell, self duplication, when combined with something in the right way

Both Wiletina's: You can literally be at two places at once!

Power: Sound proof bubble

Zombie: *screams*

Skel: *le sound proof bubble so zombie can't be heard*

Stray: What did you do to Zombie?

Skel: Nothing much, just a soundproof bubble, so we can keep up without hearing any screaming

Power: Emotion extraction

Skel: Are you okay honey?

Wither: I will be, once I cast a spell to contain my anger in this bottle

Skel: ...what?

Wither: Do you see the storm cloud above my head? This has never happened before! All this magical energy has to go somewhere and if I'm not using it to fight any mobs whatever I do they might obey every command!

Skel: ... oh yeah, I remember that...

Wither: The point is, I don't know what my magic's gonna do, so I'm hoping if I bottle up my anger, I won't do, who know what... to Pigman

Power: Book duplication spell

Stray: Ta da! I decided to make fresh new duplicates for each of you!

Wither: This looks exactly the same that's pretty cool

Stray: I learnt this spell years ago when I needed to make copies of a certain... uh... *clears throat* manifesto...

Power: Banishment spell, Laser beams

Winter: Rose, that's enough!

Winter: Endangering my brother-in-law crosses the line!

Winter: I don't know why you're trying to ruin Skeleton's life, but it stops, now!

Rose: I wouldn't be so sure~

Winter: This is your last warning...

Will: Hey hey hey! Take it easy sis! She's your friend, remember?

Winter: Well she's not acting like it!

Will: *sighs* she's right, Rose, what's your problem?

Rose: My problem?! How is the fact that Wither decided to put an untrustworthy sister in taking care of Skeleton MY PROBLEM?!

Winter: UGH-! *le magic that banishes Rose for good*

Ability: High intelligence

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