How Skel was welcomed to the Malodor family

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In this au, wither skeletons and skeletons are against each other. This is because the wither skeleton royal king was friends with the former skeleton king, but the skeleton king died to a demon, which made him think that he and his sons were too weak to fight so they went against each other

Which means it would be illegal for a wither skeleton and a skeleton to date

But this time, the youngest son of the skeleton king managed to convince the wither skeleton king, but how?

Wither: So... this is my castle

Skel: It's big

Wither: It is-

Wither: *shit I forgot skeletons aren't allowed in the Nether*

Wither: Actually my parents are busy

Skel: Why? You literally said they will be friendly!

Guard: Hey! Your majesty! That's a skeleton!

Wither: Run.

Skel: What-

Wither: I SAID RUN!

Skel: How about-

Wither: I'LL BE FINE

Guard: Your majesty, the prince was interacting with a skeleton, we're still tracking the skeleton

Wendy: Wither, how many times must we tell you?!

Wither: But mom-

Wilbur: Listen to your mother

Wither: Ugh...

Wither: *I hope Skel escaped*

1 hour later

Guard: Your majesty, we caught the intruder

Wilbur: Bring him in

Skel: Fuck-!

Wither: *He got caught...?!*

Wendy: Slaughter him

Wither: MOM! NO!

Wendy: He's nothing to you!

Wither: Yes he is! He's my boyfriend!



Guard: I already cut his hand off

Skel: *fainted*

Wither: Skel...!

Wither: Mom, I will move out if you tortue him more!

Wendy: Go ahead

Wither: You're heartless!

*Demon alert. Everyone evacuate*

Wendy: Saved by the alert. You're not getting away with this

Skel: Am i dead...?

Wither: You're awake? No you're not dead, there's a demon alert

Skel: *a demon alert?!*

Wither: Get out of here when you have the chance

Skel: But-

Wither: Go!

Skel: *I do want to get out of here but...*

Skel: *I have to gain Wither's parents' trusts*

Skel: *Does go out of the Nether but comes back so that Wither knows he escaped*

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